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In a coordinated press statement conducted by NATO, CSTO, and SCO diplomats just moments ago, it was confirmed that the landmarks, cities, and geography of the world were in the process of being secured through removal and obfuscation in direct response to the foreboding music which, since its sudden appearance... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
The United States of America are no strangers to controversy on the world stage, a point now officially enforced on the legislative level in a condemnation statement released by the UN assembly just hours ago, its main concern being the hegemon's unabashed, uninterrupted promotion and celebration of liberty for all... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
Members of the LGBT community around the world have all received a revelation of great calamity with the advent of June, citing vision of a plague of shameless corporate commodification and rainbow profile pictures for countries where it won't hurt their bottom line, which would culminate in each household losing... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
After years of continued ridicule and abuse, a bunch of nerds who call themselves social "scientists" have made an announcement recommending that real scientists stop wedgying them for being stupid nerds. "Frankly, the level of blatant disrespect and unprofessionalism against us social scientists is ridiculous," said über-nerd Abercrombie Milhouse in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
Amidst controversy surrounding Russian involvement in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, the Russian Foreign Ministry has chosen to make a public announcement to assure NATO that the hailstorm of incoming nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles is merely part of regular training operations, and is no cause for concern. "You know how that one... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
Plagued by piling debts, mismanaged funding, and a sharp devaluation of the US dollar last Friday, Congress has reportedly developed a foolproof strategy to rid the nation of its financial ills, a large part of which seems to be simply forgetting they had spent the money in the first place.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
Ever since its debut on the music scene 3 years ago, Old Lawnmower has consistently released smash-hits across all charts, racking up potential millions’ worth of sales from what some purport to be a cult-like fanbase. This year seems to be no different, with its latest single ‘Brrt-Brrt-Chka-Brrt’ (which was... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
As the year of turmoil known as 2020 comes to a close, a recent polling action by a Tibetan think-tank discovered that an overwhelming 94% of the world's population believed 2020 to be one of historically unprecedented chaos, misery, and toilet-paper shortages. A subsequent expert study from the University for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2021 at The Spurious Chronicle
The good ol' USA is well-known for having some of the most contentious elections of the entire world, and this year’s was certainly no different, with the Democrat’s Joe Biden going head-to-head with the Republican's incumbent Donald Trump in perhaps the most tumultuous period in the nation’s history. Most notably,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2020 at The Spurious Chronicle
All eyes have been cast upon Marvin Mormont, CEO of Nuka-Storage LLC, a hazardous waste disposal company based in southwestern Idaho, following a well-publicised incident last month in which one of its largest storage facilities underwent a catastrophic failure, resulting in untold millions of tonnes of both radioactive and biological... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2020 at The Spurious Chronicle
Hi Danielle, You could just try plain beef fillet as a substitute, it will work a treat! Best Johanna Sent from my iPhone
Hi sam, I am pretty sure arrowroot would work too but I havent tried it before. Yes plain flour should work also, it might make it cheesier but thats just a guess. Try it and let me know please! Jx Sent from my iPhone
Wow... You are very lucky indeed! I wish I had passion fruit in my backyard...or the balcony in my case! Had one in London but for obvious reasons the fruit never ripened! All the best J Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on Passion fruit curd at thepassionatecook
Kit, the recipe for the veg works really well with tenderstm broccoli or broccoli florets too, just steam a little in advance, then stir fry as per instruction! Sugar snap beans and spinach also make a lovely alternative! Sent from my iPad
Ill cook breakfast when I come in September, if you take care of the mimosas! Sent from my iPad
Old post? You can say that again! Thats what happens when your blog is about to turn seven! But I still make this, its a keeper... Over 20 yrs and still love it!! Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2011 on Choco-mocca liqueur at thepassionatecook
Na, das freut mich aber... ja, wir geniessen Singapur auch sehr, natuerlich gibts auch genug situationen zum haareausreissen, aber insgesamt ist es eine tolle erfahrung uns sicher ein super einstieg nach asien! wenn du mal wieder herkommst, dann melde dich bitte, ok? liebe gruesse johanna
i MISS kohlrabi so much! in 11 years of living in london i only found it once, and 3 meagre pieces way past their prime sold for an outrageous 10 pounds (not to me, of course). nobody in england knows what to do with it, they had a feature on it in an english cookery magazin, where ALL recipes were using it boiled or cooking in some way or other. i still think julienned or grated with lemon juice and sour cream is one of the best ways of enjoying it.
trying out various ways of cooking broccoli on picky eaters (children), i can say that cooking method and time make a massive difference. overcook the broccoli and its flavour will be too intense, give it a mere 7 minutes for it still to be crunchy and it retains more of its nutritional qualities and WILL be eaten even by the fussiest. favourite way of doing broccoli is simply to roast it in the oven with a splash of olive oil, sliced garlic and sliced red chilli - however much you can take. i remember the obove dish from my childhood in austria, albeit with cauliflower (cheaper). also, the butter didn't get the benefit of browning, which would have made it more palatable to me ;-)
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2010 on AM I LIKE GEORGE BUSH? at Chef Daniel Angerer's Blog
Yin, I LOVE Asian food, never grow tired of it, no wonder, as there is sooo much variety! I cant wait to explore all the restaurants go shopping at the wet markets, do come cookery classes - it will inspire me no end! I am sure we will have a most fantastic time in this wonderful corner of the world - and I look forward to lots of travelling as well!
oh, i am sure it will in due time, joanne - how lovely that you met jeanne, yes, its been a long time, probabyl 3-4 years, right? how is the family? you know i met ilva a few months back and had a wonderful time, too, i love these blogging encounters, i hope i will meet many here as well. i havent been at the raffles, but my former boss has invited me there the next time he comes over, for a proper singapore sling and bitching about the old days ;-)) wishing you all the best johanna
youbetter get a list going, jeanne, i also owe you quite a few brunch dishes and cakes... oh itll be sooo much fun t cook together in spore... xx