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Jonathan Wong
Recent Activity
It NYC, getting a concealed carry permit is nearly impossible unless you've been, say, raped or stalked or mugged once and so have a reason to carry. However, if someone were concealed carrying in the first place, they might not be a victim.
The entire point of this policy is really just to make it absurdly tough to get that permit in the first place.
SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision Makes Illinois Conceal Carry Law Illegal
Citing a report by, Colonel Allen West argues that there's an unintended flip side to the Supreme Court's violation of the U.S. system of federalism. One that will be quite upsetting to the liberal progressives who celebrated yesterday's decision. As West notes, since the SCOTU...
Thanks for your contributions to Linux gaming! Just curious but what is the name of this startup?
Onwards !
I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post here. In a way I was waiting for something worth writing about, and that was a long time coming. I resigned from id earlier this week. Folks who know me well were not terribly surprised, but I suppose I need to put that out there officially...
Jonathan Wong is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 28, 2012
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