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Hi Mitch,
Thank you so much for this timely and well-argued article. As the author of a book on game-based learning and gamified instruction (Level Up Your Classroom, from ASCD), I appreciate how difficult it can be for many teachers to see themselves as potential "gamemasters," if you will, in doing this method of instruction. I've been working with teachers to take it slowly and deliberately, to build up their capacity to manage gamified spaces. In this regard, I recommend teachers use simple game engines found in great, accessible board games (like 7 Wonders or Machi Koro) to do lessons that could be completed in 30 minutes to an hour. I write about this sort of thing on Game Level Learn, a learning community about gamified teaching and learning. Once there's a level of mastery there, it becomes easier for the teacher to see how they might "gamemaster" a course run by a more complex gamified methodology.
Thanks for the clear thinking. I found it very helpful!
Why Game-Based Learning is so Hard for Schools
The following is excerpted from Gerhard Molin’s The Role of the Teacher in Game-Based Learning: A Review and Outlook in the book Serious Games and Edutainment Applications Volume II. After the student, the teacher is the greatest (school) influence on student learning performance. We know this ...
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Jun 2, 2017
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