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Alexandra Jones
Recent Activity
You're right; we won’t have seen much if any movement on house building from the NHB yet. Zach at the Centre wrote a blog about the statistics when they came out earlier this year: Despite payments going out to local authorities, the earliest we should expect to see a noticeable impact of the NHB will be next year’s payout.
The Queen’s Speech is not the answer to growth
Many commentators have noted the absence of specific measures on the economy in today’s Queen’s Speech. Should we be surprised at this brief reprieve from a Government keen to convince the electorate – and the markets – that it’s on the right side of the argument on reviving the economy? Probab...
Thanks Simon. We're currently writing a paper as part of our Agenda for Growth series on how to support enterprise growth - given that all the net new jobs over at least the next five years will need to come from the private sector - so the article's very relevant.
100 days of Eric
It’s 100 days (tomorrow) since Eric Pickles first walked into the Communities and Local Government department and he’s certainly been busy. His intentions have been clear from the start. Eric’s response to a question about how the job was going shortly after his appointment was, “It’s like a ...
Alexandra Jones is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 16, 2010
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