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@Anarcho - can you give me an example of a successful large scale Anarchist society?
"Good policy, badly implemented"
A trend seems to be emerging among their advocates to describe both Brexit and Universal Credit as good policies badly implemented. For me, this raises a question: how big is the “good policy, bad implementation” set? I suspect it’s small, at least for major policies. Take, for example, the bigg...
Handy Mike - 'pretending objectively'?
Entrepreneurial Marxism
Carl Packman on Twitter has described my vision of socialism as “entrepreneurial Marxism.” I like that. Entrepreneurial Marxism is necessary, roughly compatible with Marx, and feasible. Let’s start with the necessary. Here, we Marxists have a paradox. On the one hand, Marx thought that socialism...
Jon_halsall is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 11, 2017
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