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Caroline Somp
Recent Activity
Caroline Somp is now following Account Deleted
Sep 11, 2010
Caroline Somp is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
whoops! just realised i was signed in on my new blog while making the comment above. that's me, so, hi susanna :)
haven't quite finished playing around with my new place yet, but will be soon. i haven't commented much lately, but am happy to be here, you have such gorgeous photos. love it. xx
February 23, 3009
oh, those two dogs... so sweet! and snowy car journeys, love that. xx
December 1, 2008
Did you all have a good Thanksgiving? J and I sure did. Early Wednesday morning, we drove through five states - New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, and finally, Kentucky - to spend the holiday weekend with J's little sister and her family. The scenery along the way was breathtaki...
hello beautiful you. :) i've been thinking about you and was so happy to discover you are doing december views (and even happier when you wrote the same thing on my blog!). smooch! xx
December Views... day one
And so begins Day One of all these December days...
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