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Jorg Janke
Redwood City, CA
Founder of Accorto and Compiere
Interests: Cloud Professional Services Automation, Business Processes, Java, TaiChi
Recent Activity
... sorry to get help with Compiere, please contact Aptean - I forgot :-/
AWS SNS Topic subscriptions with SQS
I was looking for a lightweight replacement for JMS (Java Messaging Service) and wanted to avoid deploying ActiveMQ or another Java JMS service/product. Amazon SQS is a good alternative for JMS Queues - and there is also an equivalet to JMS Topics and Subscriptions using AWS SNS. Here is what yo...
AWS SNS Topic subscriptions with SQS
I was looking for a lightweight replacement for JMS (Java Messaging Service) and wanted to avoid deploying ActiveMQ or another Java JMS service/product. Amazon SQS is a good alternative for JMS Queues - and there is also an equivalet to JMS Topics and Subscriptions using AWS SNS. Here is what... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2013 at Jörg Gedanken
Automatic Install of NewRelic on AWS Beanstalk
Before the latest customizing and configuration improvement in AWS Beanstalk, one had to create a custom AMI if you want to use the server and application monitoring of NewRelic with Java. It took a bit of experimenting to work also for updates, but here are the steps: - In your... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2012 at Jörg Gedanken
Apple to improve iPad keyboard
Well, the heading was my contribution to April's fools day, there will certainly be better ones later today. So, I received my iPad2 yesterday. After the initial discovery phase, first thing I had to change the wallpaper from the rain theme into something more sunny. The iPad is actually a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at Jörg Gedanken
Meditation Creativity Thoughts
When thoughts come up during meditation, the advice is to acknowledge and label them - and return to your breathing. Among the usual labels, I have one called "solution". The majority of thoughts coming up are easily dismissed, but I actually don't like to dismiss the solution category. These "solutions"... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at Jörg Gedanken
Clover with Maven and Sonar in Bamboo
Sounds simple: I want to deploy the project artifact (jar) while generating Clover code coverage reports and use them in Sonar. So, the Maven goal is just "clean deploy" and selecting the Clover and Sonar options in Bamboo. Well, does not work. [Clover provides test code coverage information for Java,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2011 at Jörg Gedanken
Just meditate!
Why do I meditate? Mainly to improve concentration and decision making - areas one always should try to improve. Why did I start meditating? I am practicing Chen style TaiChi for a while and I was told again and again, that meditating would help improving my "Chi". TaiChi is also... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2011 at Jörg Gedanken
I actually target 100% - please correct me where I was not correct from your point of view.
Open Source Business Models (for Compiere)
In this post, I elaborate on options of open source business software providers based on my experience with Compiere. This is from the perspective of an open source vendor/provider - and with the assumption that you are looking for an income stream. This is a bit different from the interests of...
Open Source Business Models (for Compiere)
In this post, I elaborate on options of open source business software providers based on my experience with Compiere. This is from the perspective of an open source vendor/provider - and with the assumption that you are looking for an income stream. This is a bit different from the interests of businesses using open source products for income. In the first part of the series, I outlined the development of the open source business model of Compiere, in the second one the dynamics of open source contribution I experienced. Open Source basics The fundamental promise of open source is vendor... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2010 at Compiere from the Source
Thanks Josep for the details. We first spoke early 2005 about this.
Open Source Contributions (Compiere ERP)
In this second part of the series, I will discuss what options Compiere has to go forward as an open source product and what prerequisites there are for building a thriving community. The indication for an active community are (user) contributions. In this blog, I will cover why people contribut...
Good points and impressive lists ... if one were to dig a bit deeper, you are actually supporting my main positions :-)
Open Source Contributions (Compiere ERP)
In this second part of the series, I will discuss what options Compiere has to go forward as an open source product and what prerequisites there are for building a thriving community. The indication for an active community are (user) contributions. In this blog, I will cover why people contribut...
Open Source Contributions (Compiere ERP)
In this second part of the series, I will discuss what options Compiere has to go forward as an open source product and what prerequisites there are for building a thriving community. The indication for an active community are (user) contributions. In this blog, I will cover why people contributed to Compiere and why not. In the first part of this blog series, I mentioned that one cause for the diminishing open source community for Compiere was the business model. Compiere started out as free product with revenue generation via services and evolved to a free open source trial/entry product... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2010 at Compiere from the Source
Thank you guys very much for the feedback and comments! I also received quite a few emails - all supporting with the exception of one. Unfortunately, especially the latter person did not want to state their position publicly.
I am busy finalizing the next blog entry about contributions - targeting early next week.
Compiere Open Source failed?
Recently, Consona acquired Compiere. Is this a failure of Open Source business model? What decisions led to the current situation? In this first chapter of a three part blog series, I will provide some details and insight into the inner workings of commercial open source companies. In the ope...
Compiere Open Source failed?
Recently, Consona acquired Compiere. Is this a failure of Open Source business model? What decisions led to the current situation? In this first chapter of a three part blog series, I will provide some details and insight into the inner workings of commercial open source companies. In the open source environment, many business models have been tried. In the Compiere environment (including the forks like Open Bravo and Adempiere) different models were put into practice. One of the crucial aspects in open source is inbound marketing. Long before inbound marketing became fashionable, the successful open source projects used this approach... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at Compiere from the Source
... yes, I remember you guys :-)
In the second part of the upcoming blog series, I will cover contribution in depth as well as community dynamics.
The first part is actually more important - the business model. If the business model is unbalanced, the health of the community will deteriorate. Adempiere tried the very opposite as Compiere went too commercial; I guess we might agree that both approaches did not work out too well for all participants with exception of a single individual.
Open Bravo took a relative risk-free approach; I expected that they will leave everyone else in the dust ... but they did not.
From the feedback I received, it seems that this is actually a good time to come up with a new approach balancing the interests of the open source vendor, consumers and community.
Adempiere failure - the chance for Consona to revitalize Compiere
The Compiere troublemaker and Adempiere leader "red1" (Redhuan D Oon - @red1Oon) resigned: "I have quit as 'leader of ADempiere' . I have enough after nearly 4 years of battles. Anyway the legend is born. It shall have to die now." I have to say that it is not too surprising. The Compiere fork A...
Adempiere failure - the chance for Consona to revitalize Compiere
The Compiere troublemaker and Adempiere leader "red1" (Redhuan D Oon - @red1Oon) resigned: "I have quit as 'leader of ADempiere' . I have enough after nearly 4 years of battles. Anyway the legend is born. It shall have to die now." I have to say that it is not too surprising. The Compiere fork Adempiere had pure monetary motivations (despite singing the "open source song") and it did not work out for the community. In my upcoming blog series, I will elaborate on the motivation for the Adempiere guys to fork and why they failed. Due to the recent purchase... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2010 at Compiere from the Source
Jorg Janke added a favorite at Compiere from the Source
Jun 21, 2010
Compiere from the beginning to Consona
Announcing a detailed analysis of Open Source Business Models and Compiere Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2010 at Compiere from the Source
Jorg Janke is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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