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I loved making apple butter when I was eighteen! I had the chance to go to a farm & pitch in with the harvest & canning! I did a little bit of everything in the process, including attempting to cut wood with an ax! That wasn't the best idea I ever had - nearly nicked a toe! Oy vie. I was so happy I could help the farm & the family run business; I learnt a lot and they sent me home with apple butter, so it was a delish evening for me! I did what you said - made toast & rested!! I was curious myself - is it more American? Hmm.
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2016 on Laboring on Labour Day at Word Wenches
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Ooh my, Ms Putney!! You made me so wicked curious!! Could you suggest a few SFF authors who write wicked good Rom into their sci-fi? I have no idea where to go next - I know I'll be spending the next year reading more of the collective works of Ms Czerneda but I would love to find others who are writing similar heart-centred stories with convicting drama & such incredible romances threading through the sci-fi bits!! The reviews I left behind are more 'notes of gratitude' and book showcases in sequence than anything else. I cannot believe my journey with the Clan is ending tonight... I'm just now feeling more comfortable with my new computer; it was a learning curve to sort it out and re-learn where everything is located! Yes! Lightning is *beyond!* naughty! At least this time I have my files!!
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2016 on Laboring on Labour Day at Word Wenches
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Hallo, Hallo Ms Kathy K! I am overjoyed you want to read The Clan Chronicles! :) Eek. This warms my heart! Truly, I've been with them twice in nine months; I read four last November & four recently (late August/early Sept) as I'm about to finish the latest release! Here is my personal order of preference: Prequel Trilogy: which I fondly refer to as Cersi but is really Stratification: *Reap the Wild Wind, No.1 *Riders of the Storm, No.2 *Rift in the Sky, No.3 Original Trilogy: Trade Pact Universe: *A Thousand Words for Stranger, No. 1 *Ties of Power, No.2 *To Trade the Stars, No.3 Final Trilogy: Reunification: *This Gulf of Time And Stars *The Gate to Futures Past *To Guard Against the Dark (Oct 2017) After you read through them, please know your wicked welcome to visit me on my blog! This is how you can find all my posts on the series, as I threaded all my reviews & the author interview via this tag: This is the order I read the series and I am wicked thankful I did! :) I am so attached to this series, I'm finding it hard to consume the last of GATE as I know I have twelvemonths til DARK. The author is celebrating right now; you might want to visit her website:!! Thank you for such a wonderful surprise! I've been forsaking sleep - so I apologise my reply is coming so late! I had to take a small break today just to refuell and dig back into GATE!! I truly hope you have a wonderful time spent inside the histories of the Clan!! Happy reading!!!
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2016 on Laboring on Labour Day at Word Wenches
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Hallo, Hallo Ms Putney! I've been reading your lovely blog by email for most of the year, except I missed a few key moments of the Wenches lives and let's just say, I had a box of tissue nearby. I meant to return soon after, but time flew off the clock, Summer began, and the lightning storms that vexed me last year, had that cheeky way of interfering with my life once more! Last year I lost minor electronics, this year my computer couldn't take it; thus, part of my Labouring on Labour Day is sorting out a whole new interface & computer! I'm also reading my final Clan novel (The Clan Chronicles by Julie E. Czerneda) which has at it's heart spread over three trilogies two of the best romances I've ever read! :) In her prequel it's about Ayrl and Enris; in the Trade Pact & Reunification your heart-tied to Sira and (Jason) Morgan! There is so much happening with the Clan, it's hard to find the ability to take a step away from where your leaving your bookmark! For levity, I've been watching the original Ninja Warrior series; the American Ninja Warriors & AGT. I won't be cooking out - we're rained out honestly! I will simply be overjoyed to know what becomes of Sira & Jason; whilst eagerly awaiting DARK the 9th novel which comes out next Autumn. Blogging my thoughts has been a joy - I never expected to find such convicting Rom inside Hard Science Fiction!! Anything I'd rather be doing!? Hmm. Honestly? No. I'm so overly excited to be reading this book series, I cannot imagine doing anything else right now!! :) ... As you mentioned everyone is under tight deadlines, I hope each of you in turn will find the bliss after you finish to simply unwind & relax! Sounds like you've all been working hard & I know the payoff will be once your stories reach the hands of your readers! Til then, sending my hugs & gratitude for everything you put into your blog whilst giving us all a lot of inspiration throughout the year!
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2016 on Laboring on Labour Day at Word Wenches
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Sep 4, 2016