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Valerie J. Frey
North Georgia
I'm a writer, archives consultant, and stay-at-home mother with a wonderful husband and preschool boy. (Location note: our four-year sojourn in the San Francisco area ended in July of 2012, allowing us to return to my beloved Georgia.)
Interests: History, genealogy, autobiography, writing, digital photography, baking, and adventures with a preschooler
Recent Activity
Hi Thank you so much for asking first! That is kind. Yes, you may use the photo in your PowerPoint. Good luck with your assignment! (P.S. I tried to email you but it would not go through with your address.) --V. Frey
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2020 on Shopping at JourneyLeaf: Life a Page at a Time
Hello. The cookie cutter can be found on Etsy from LeCuisinier and is called Kawaii Cat Cookie cutter. Thanks for your lovely blog!
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2018 on Spring Snow at Posie Gets Cozy
Thanks, Deborah! Kind of you to send a message. Happy shutterbugging!
Even if it has to be from afar, I love watching them grow!
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2016 on 2nd & 4th Grade at Rubies&Pearls
Toggle Commented Aug 23, 2016 on Sunflower Girls at Rubies&Pearls
Looks like fun!
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2016 on Road Trippin at Rubies&Pearls
Hi, Helen. Thanks for you kind words! This is Rodeo Beach just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. It is just below the Marine Mammal Center and their website can help with an address and directions. This was our favorite beach when we lived in the Bay Area. Hope you enjoy it too!
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2015 on Weekday Beach at JourneyLeaf: Life a Page at a Time
Thanks, Lisa!
Norma, thank you so much. I love hearing that.
Thanks so much, Karan!
Toggle Commented Feb 24, 2015 on Sidekick at JourneyLeaf: Life a Page at a Time
Cheryl, you are so welcome! Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.
Calm and lovely. Here is an evening at the beach as night falls...
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2014 on {this moment} at SouleMama
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