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Joyful Girl
I'm an "almost" 30something with a retro style who adores Blythe and loves making cute things for her. We have a little shop on etsy with our newest items listed there. My "crafty" Mama is my biggest influence. Ever since I was old enough to use safety scissors, she's made everything possible with me.
Interests: shopping, watching funny movies, my family, sewing, blythe, crafting, making jewelry, my dog peanut, eating sweets =) i love flickr and pp
Recent Activity
It's been a while since I posted anything but we're crazy busy packing and getting ready to move in two weeks. The FINAL outfit was made today before the shop will be closed temporarily. It was another Fishy Outfit order. I adore mine, it is probably my favorite outfit that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at Joyful Girl's blog
Hey everyone!! It's been a little while since I've updated and sometimes life just gets busy and I don't have as much time for crafting,blogging, dollies as I'd like. Those things always win over working out =X but I am trying my best to fit both into our lives around... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2010 at Joyful Girl's blog
Happy Weekend!! I had two new girls join the dolly family yesterday! Woohoo. I was so tired last night that I only opened one. Sad, I know. Don't fear... the second will be de-boxed later today. Both very cute and I'm very happy to have them. Also, I've made some... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at Joyful Girl's blog
I'm very happy to have two new pairs of jammies and two new dresses on etsy, also a new froggy outfit! I love all five of these and I hope you do too. Trying to get the design for the bracelets worked out. I'll be finishing those up tonight... hopefully.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at Joyful Girl's blog
So here's to the start of a brand new blog... mostly about the etsy store and Blythe dollies. I am sure we'll have some random things in here from time to time. We just got some wonderful new fabric and trims and have lots of ideas. Just working on getting... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2010 at Joyful Girl's blog
Joyful Girl is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 7, 2010