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The problems are largely with the system, the standards, and the tests. However, the solutions must be with us, the teachers, and we must take on this challenge now.
We may have to stay on pacing and assure that certain objectives are targeted, but we have to take some chances to involve students in their learning (it is theirs after all) and stimulate curiosity and critical thinking.
The issues here are urgent, so it's up to teachers to lead and take reasonable risks to create change. We are educating our next generation of leaders, and if we don't do something now, we'll end up with even smaller thinking from future leaders.
Tired of Being the Nation's Punching Bag
So I’m completely hacked off tonight. You see, I’ve spent a few hours wrapped in the criticisms of public schools found in the first pages of The Global Achievement Gap, Tony Wagner’s bit on how schools need to change if our kids are ever going to survive in tomorrow’s world. Wagner—like many of...
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Oct 2, 2011
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