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To William Heasley:
Do you find it ironic that you criticize me for being too verbose and yet you write a completely substance-free post?
If you want to refute any of the points I made in the piece please do so and I will respond. If not, I'll take that as a sign that you have no persuasive argument to make and that you are a Republican trolling for sympathy that you don't deserve.
Republicans for Environmental Progress: An Endangered Species
For most of modern American history, the two major political parties in America have largely agreed on the desired long-term environmental outcomes for the country: there was a consensus among Republicans and Democrats that it was a good thing to press for cleaner air and water, less toxins in t...
Republicans for Environmental Progress: An Endangered Species
For most of modern American history, the two major political parties in America have largely agreed on the desired long-term environmental outcomes for the country: there was a consensus among Republicans and Democrats that it was a good thing to press for cleaner air and water, less toxins in the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Environmental Economics
It's amazing how many people make a living on misinterpreting economics and pretending they have gained some tremendous insight to share with the rest of us.......
Free market environmentalism and Coase
From the inbox: I wanted to point you toward our most recent blog post, discussing the Coase theorem (state that under free-marketing conditions, society will arrive at its optimum level of pollution) and the reasons it’s inapplicable to real life. Here’s the post:
Note to Environmentalists Part II
The climate change bill that was supposed to be unveiled in the Senate on Monday is now on indefinite hold. Senator Lindsey Graham, the lone Republican supporter, walked away from the bill because President Obama and the Democratic leadership signaled that immigration reform may come first. Harry Reid responded immediately... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2010 at Environmental Economics
Note to Environmentalists: Economists are on your side
There is a tendency among some environmental writers to dismiss “classical”, “traditional”, “neoliberal”, or “mainstream” economics as somehow inimical to environmental interests. The problem is that more often than not these writers get the facts wrong. It’s almost as if the knee-jerk aversion to economics that exists among many environmentalists... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Environmental Economics
I was afraid this was going to happen....
When someone outside of economics (a political scientist) wins the Nobel and much of her work is dedicated to showing how government intervention is sometimes unnecessary or counter-productive in addressing natural resource and common property resource issues, I guess it's inevitable that people will come out with drivel like this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2009 at Environmental Economics
A few additional thoughts on the Prize....
I actually guessed that Williamson would get the prize this year, but I would never have guessed Elinor Ostrum (if there is anyone, anywhere, who predicted her big props to them). This really is the first time an environment-natural resource economist-type researcher has gotten the Nobel in Economics and it's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2009 at Environmental Economics
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