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Modesto, CA
Trapped in the 3rd Dimension and searching for a way out.
Interests: Road trips with the Love of my life, quality time with my family, great food, a good bottle of Shiraz and the outdoors.
Recent Activity
What an amazing trip!!! We got sooooo much done in just an overnighter. Best part of the trip was the company. Shannan, you are an amazing and talented woman. I am blessed to be part of your life. I Love you, Your Puppy.
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2011 on Catching Up with My Heartbeat at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
Very delicious!!! Oh, nice plug for Daisy Brand Sour Cream. You should send this to them!!!
Toggle Commented Oct 27, 2010 on Holy Pazole!!!! at ORIGINAL BLISS
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Love- One of, if not THE BEST "getaway" trip we've had...... I'm constantly reminded why we are together, why we are married, why we are soul mates. We have a blast together; NOTHING CAN BRING US DOWN!!! I could say, "great place, great food." "Stunning dress! Nice pearls." BUT, I think these few words sum it all up........ MY WIFE. I love you, Your Puppy.......
Toggle Commented Oct 8, 2010 on The World Is My Oyster! at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
What a great time indeed!!! I love you Shannan.
Toggle Commented Jul 11, 2010 on The Getaway at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
I've always believed the victory in Puebla subjective and truthfuly, overrated. If you look at the facts, one will find the French basically said why should we waste time with an insignificant village and take causulties that are unnesessary. So the French took their military and tactically, ummmm WENT AROUND THE VILLAGE AND SEIZED MEXICO CITY!!! Hey, it's a reason to eat some tacos, chips/salsa and through back a Corona or two. Happy CInco de Drinko everyone!!!
Toggle Commented May 5, 2010 on Feliz Cinco de Mayo! at Everything Typepad
1 reply
Great post and artwork Honey!!! These times feel like walking through a labyrinth. Don't quite know where you're going or really how you're going to get their, but the mystery, wonder and overwhelming energetic rush pushes you towards something great! I just know it!!! I can feel it !!!
Toggle Commented May 5, 2010 on The Between at ORIGINAL BLISS
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GREAT times!!!!!!! I love my family!!!
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2010 on Lately... at ORIGINAL BLISS
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Thank you Love... I adore you!
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2010 on The Song That Makes My Heart Dance at ORIGINAL BLISS
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Beautiful Journal page!!! May Mucha and Rumi create a fortress of mental solitude for you today as you deal with all that you are going to deal with untill your safe return back home... I love you!
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2010 on When Rumi Met Mucha at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
I can't wait!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2010 on Golden Sunlight at ORIGINAL BLISS
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I love the Journal page!!! Those photoboth shots are great too; The Grey, The Cyclops and The Yuck-Yuck are priceless!!! Good post Love!
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2010 on Life in the Fun House at ORIGINAL BLISS
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GREAT post!!! I love the journal page. The halo of Angel heads was a brilliant idea... Post 300? CONGRATS Love!!! I love you!! You are my Angel!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2010 on Send Me an Angel at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
One of the best weavings Honey!!! I love to watch you sit in your space and let your creative juices flow!!! What's next?
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2010 on She Sighs with Satisfaction at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2009 on Deeper Release at ORIGINAL BLISS
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I'll be there!!! Wouldn't miss it for the world!!! AND... Dreaming on the Page is spectacular!!!!!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 28, 2009 on Gratitude at ORIGINAL BLISS
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Beautifully done my Love. I am so proud of you. I know this was not an easy task to undertake, but you gave it 110% and a uniqueness that I am in awe of. Here's to many more issues of Soul Journaling!!! I love you, Your Puppy
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I agree.... How creative can you really be, if all your work looks the same! This is one of the many things I love about your work; you always find a new and interesting way to express your higher self, your inner voice and present it with such an "awe" to the world. Your unique perspective on life and art is a motivational creative call to us all. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2009 on Expect the Unexpected at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
Fuck Yeah Honey!!!!!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2009 on Call to Balls! at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
Great journal page!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2009 on The Clowns Are Running the Circus! at ORIGINAL BLISS
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Awesome shots Honey.... That new lens ROCKS!!! Can't wait to go back again!!! I love you...
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2009 on Marin Weekend at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are a "double taker." You capture my eye, my heart, my mind and my soul. I am amazed, daily, at the caliber of woman you are. I'm blessed to be sharing this journey through life with you Shannan. Oh... I have always adored your curves and softness and in my eyes, you are the epitome of "bringing sexy back!"
Toggle Commented Nov 4, 2009 on Whatever Happened To......? at ORIGINAL BLISS
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The cost for the workshop is $60. It's posted now. Thank you! Jeff
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"911, what the address of your emergency?" "Uhh, I can't get my stove to open."
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You are a GREAT mother and an AWESOME wife!!! Create away my Love... I can't wait to see your masterpieces!!!
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2009 on Livin' Vivid at ORIGINAL BLISS
1 reply
This is beautiful Honey!!!
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2009 on My Version of a Hubble Vision at ORIGINAL BLISS
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