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This whole home delivery craze is pretty out of control - now you can have monthly custom menstruation packs dropped off at your front door. Ok, I'm sure someone out there will love it. Anyway, even more entertaining than the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2013 at Creative Skirts
Because I can't handle work being made like this. Cleavage? Sure. Areolas? No. Come on, people. I think the tag line could have made for some adorable work, but this...I can't even watch twice. Enjoy. Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2013 at Creative Skirts
I caught a campaign here in Australia this week that made me giggle. It’s for Dettol Touch of Foam, a soap that keeps your hands soft. “Steal a Moment of Softness” uses corny romance novel-esque illustrations, allowing you to create... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2012 at Creative Skirts
Disney has just launched a new spot celebrating what it means to be a princess. It's sweet, although I wish the script was a little less generic. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect. But I think moms and daughters... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2012 at Creative Skirts
I love this. That old spot is horrific...God bless the planners that set them straight on what it means to be a lady athlete.
Haha, Susizzleb. I'll let her know! Or you can yourself--just shoot a message to @taylorwriting. Also, hashtags know no bounds.
Sorry, Kira! Here's the copy. In the real world ladies aren't supposed to look like hell and wear skimpy clothes and blot their makeup with their shirt. But here things are different. My mascara is running / my knuckles are covered with eye shadow / and no one judges me. Or thinks my pelvic thrusts are some kind of mating call. And no one tells me what to do / although the mirror points out that my bra straps are showing.
Toggle Commented May 24, 2011 on Dance as Sport at Creative Skirts
My point exactly. I wrote those jokes in 7th grade. Yawn.
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2010 on The mysteries of viral at Creative Skirts
Hm, I dont know...not even sure who is handling the account. But Ill see if I can dig it up.