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I'm a musician, pure and simple, but maybe not so pure and definitely not simple.
Interests: music, composing,swimming, singing, sun, fiction, ocean, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, performing and often...
Recent Activity
On my own...with apologies to Michael McDonald and Patti LaBelle
I couldn't help it with the title. Whenever those words come together, I sing the song. Anyway, going on my first week in Germany without much to report. I have been, quite frankly, alone. I have no friends here, I thought I was sharing a house...which I am, but with... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2016 at Singing for my Supper
Auf Wiedersehn, Österreich...Bis Später
So, I leave Austria tomorrow for Germany. And in one week I think it's safe for me to say that Austria is magical. It's beautiful, idyllic and I swear to god, the oxygen makes you freakin' high. I had no concept of time, and have been generally feeling pretty nice... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2016 at Singing for my Supper
Wilkommen den Österreich!!
Whee!! I'm in Austria! It's so idyllic, it's so not where I'm from. It's so rainy right now. The thunder is rolling through and a nice warm rain is falling. No wonder everything is so damned green. Also, I just realized I didn't pack an umbrella. Smart, huh? But it... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2016 at Singing for my Supper
Time for a healin'...
So, yesterday, I bought a cheap bag of Vanilla Wafers, wrote a letter and sang a song for my father. It was good. It was very good. I will be abroad during the anniversaries of my sister and mother. I'm sure I'll find a good enough pastry in Europe for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2016 at Singing for my Supper
Begin the Beguine...Back to the future? I dunno. I'm back.
So, I've been trying to find out who I am without these people in my life. My last post from 2 years before explains my dislike of the month of August. It is the month when all of the members of my family who have died, have died. It is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2016 at Singing for my Supper
Mourn-fest 2014
I'm in France. You wanna know how I'm doing? I'm a wreck. I released a video talking about a lot of pain. You want to know what the pain is? I'm mourning the loss of my mother (8/24/11), the loss of my sister (8/31/12) and the loss of the family... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2014 at Singing for my Supper
I am strong, but not immune...
When things start going well, and in a direction that you like, most times (barring anything truly life-shattering) things go on as planned. Well, sometimes, they don't. In my case, they stopped. A dead halt. A not very active time. And a realization, that I wasn't going where I wanted... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2014 at Singing for my Supper
Why does remembering who you are hurt? I have buried myself so far down. And when I remember who I am. It pains me. Discovery shouldn’t have to be painful. It should be glorious EUREKA! I’VE FOUND IT! Again. It never left, it only recoiled. Into the corner of your... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2014 at Singing for my Supper
Grateful and thankful...
So, I had the classic "Jaws" movie moment as I gazed upon the stuff I intended to pack... (Cigarette dangling carelessly from my lips) "I'm gonna need a bigger bag!" So, after a group pedicure we headed out to find cheap, big-ass luggage. Thanks to Sheila and Kat (and a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Surrealism in reality...
I have been back in California for several days now. Despite the jetlag and the feeling of complete displacement, I do feel happy to be here. However, I can no longer refer to it as "home". And that is truly weird. I love my family. We've been through a lot... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
New gets newer...
I have moved into the new apartment. It is a little ways out of Paris, but when put against the wall to find a place, you take what you can take. Arguably, I procrastinated on finding a place in hopes I just might get "lucky" like I did with my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
The road ahead...
So, It's been 3 months. Trois mois. I know I haven't written a lot lately, and I think I'm over the "newness" of the place, and am starting to settle in. So, there's not much to talk about. Every new place I go, I take it in, marvel at it's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Changes and remembering...
I am currently residing in France. Paris, France to be precise. Why? Why did I come here? That's an interesting question. Because it was always a dream of mine. I saw how many more musicians and artists were freer to do things in Europe as opposed to the American market... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2013 at Voice of Reason
The quiet side...
I have been doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. My mind loves it. My body loves it. I am slowly, but surely, doing a...detox, of sorts. From too much information, running through my brain (points to whoever can guess the ref here). From too much input. Too much bright lights. Too much... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Subconscious and dreams...
Last night, I dreamt about hanging with some good friends, at a carnival, then at their place. The carnival was like any other, the ferris wheel, and the sky tram. Sky tram was down, but 2 kids were stuck mid transit above a house, almost about to fall. I was... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Au Revoir, for a while...
Over the last few days, I've been over-tired, over-stimulated, and not in a very good 'place' for where I am. I figured it out last night. Since before I left, people were asking me if they could live "vicariously" through me, since they were unable to accompany me on this... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Day before 'Moving Day'...
Tomorrow I leave this one bedroom apartment to share a much bigger 2 bedroom walk-up with a 25 year old Italian. Haven't met him yet, so I'll keep you up to date on that front. Apparently, he's got a gig at a cafe, and is here on a permanent basis.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Rainy day in Paris...
So, it's raining...well, it rained..and we're supposed to have rain most of the day today.. I have no rain gear, and it's a Sunday. One thing I've noticed on Sundays, is that the church going French people are up and about. Those the not church going type?? They sleep the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Dawning of the...uh...dawn? I guess...
I'm at the end of my third week in France. I have a lot of work to do. Take out the trash, make sure I get a package being delivered, get some toilet paper, you know. Important stuff. I've taken most of this week off. Between my foot not being... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Paris, stuff and things...
Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? Ça va? Bien, bien. Oú est la banque? La Banque c'est vermé. What? I dunno...scratch that. I'm on Rosetta Stone and my head hurts. Hi, y'all. Hello from Paris. No big news, no, I haven't been to Père Lachaise, no I haven't seen the Eiffel Tower yet,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
I am so enjoying all the back and forth with all my friends through various media, and through this blog. I keep looking back at all the responses I've gotten and suggestions, and whatnot, and somehow feel a little odd. Chances are very great, that I'm not going to spend... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
A day to review...
Hey y'all, Yup. I had a good day yesterday. So good in fact, I barely noticed how beautiful it was when I got to Notre Dame and that it had been downright overcast when I left. It's funny when you're in your bubble, what you do and don't notice. Yesterday... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Paris and privilege...
Today is my birthday. It's 11:42, and I'm just eating breakfast. I've been 'up' for a while. I will be doing some travel today. To Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. It'll be my first time on the Métro and braving the tourist-y activity like places. Where I'm at is... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
Ah! Here it is...
So, you know all that talk I was saying, "It's not an 'Oh my God what am I doing here panic'"? Well, that was yesterday. Today, I whine. whine/Traveling to a foreign place where you don't know the language is haaarrrd./whine Today, the "What are you doing here"'s showed up.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
A little hiccup...
Today, it was harder getting out of the building. I had to think on it for a second and then it hit me. The enormity of my most recent journey is starting to sink in. I'm on a different fucking CONTINENT and in an apartment ALONE and somehow able to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2013 at Singing for my Supper
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