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Judit-Corina Winedine
Recent Activity
How long can you go without checking your email before you get anxious?
Nice hunk of Beef Brisket getting drunk in a bottle '06 Beckmen Syrah = Happy Party on Saturday with this slow cooked meat Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2010 at Judit-Corina Winedine's blog
Thank you Mark for the inspiration!
Used to make yogurt all the time and it tasted so much better then any brand. I only wish that the Euro Cuisine 6 cups would have 9 cups...
How I save $67.50 a month by making my own yogurt
I've been making my own yogurt for the past couple of years, and not only is it much tastier than store bought yogurt, it's also much cheaper. At my local supermarket, an 8-ounce cup of yogurt costs $1. That adds up to $16 for a gallon of yogurt. At the same supermarket, one gallon of low fat o...
Judit-Corina Winedine is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 2, 2010
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