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Judith Poole
Recent Activity
Judith Poole is now following Eva Verhoeven
Jan 26, 2012
Yvonne, I very much enjoyed your article, as I too teach Eden Energy Medicine integrated with my t'ai chi classes. Since I started incorporating some of the basic balancing exercises I find that people learn the t'ai chi form with much less effort.
Teaching Tai Chi and Eden Energy Medicine
Teaching Tai Chi classes with class sizes of 5 to 25 participants has given me a wild ride in the world of energy and the way we exchange that energy with each other. As the instructor standing in front of the class, it was amazing to me, how I could “feel” different energies from different pe...
Ande, Lyn Milum's article describes the Ancient Memories process in much more detail, and it is similar though not the same as the Injury Recall Technique applied kinesiology process found on youtube by following the link.
Ancient Echoes Modified
Elizabeth Corea, a friend and Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program graduate, and I recently did an exchange. We tried out the kinesiology approach from this youtube link: . Thanks to Kelmie Blake Spires for posting it. I ...
I believe you, of course, Kelmie, but have no recall. I do remember it being presented in the review class, and none of us claiming to be familiar with it. But it's not surprising. I've had the opposite experience as well, when I remember learning something that had particular significance for me, but others present at the class having no recollection. This aspect of mind and memory holds my fascination!
Ancient Echoes Modified
Elizabeth Corea, a friend and Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program graduate, and I recently did an exchange. We tried out the kinesiology approach from this youtube link: . Thanks to Kelmie Blake Spires for posting it. I ...
Sorry, I meant Christina.
Laughing is Great Medicine
When I first found energy medicine I was in a state of triple warmer over-activity. The triple warmer is an energy system and a meridian that governs our flight or fight response. Perceiving trauma and anything foreign as an intrusion to our energies, it goes into “alert” mode. In today’s wor...
Christine, great description of allowing the radiant energies in! I think many of us hold that frozen triple warmer experience in common, and maybe it is what draws us to Donna's work.
Laughing is Great Medicine
When I first found energy medicine I was in a state of triple warmer over-activity. The triple warmer is an energy system and a meridian that governs our flight or fight response. Perceiving trauma and anything foreign as an intrusion to our energies, it goes into “alert” mode. In today’s wor...
Great story, Jyoti, well told
Ever Wished Your Dog Could Talk?
Anyone who has ever loved a dog knows the feeling. Something’s wrong and you don’t know what. If only they could talk and tell you where it hurts, so you’d know what to do for them. Ruby, my Golden Retriever, had been limping on and off on her right front leg for a while. Actually, a long...
Judith Poole is now following The Typepad Team
May 27, 2011
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