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British Columbia
Interests: reading, knitting, travel, yoga, hospice, meditation, buddhism
Recent Activity
So the Reverb prompt asks what's the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year? Well it wasn't really a big thing, but it sure stuck in my mind. A client sent me a $20.00 gift certificate to a local bookstore. In all my years of consulting, no... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2010 at curlysalamander's blog
Doing the Reverb 10 ( -- actually the...
Doing the Reverb 10 ( -- actually the very tail end of it, since I just discovered it a few days before it ends. Today's prompt is to write about a defining moment in the past year. I guess for me that has to be Dad's death. Nothing quite so... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2010 at curlysalamander's blog
Funny (or not so) I have been obsessing about the song Oh Death, and I actually heard it performed live yesterday and see it today in your blog.
I stood 20 feet from Ralph Stanley...
...sang O Death if that doesn't put me a bit closer to heaven, I don't know what would. a transcendent experience. some pics from the show: Ralph Stanley and His Clinch Mountain Boys @Oktoberfest, Christ the King Church more pics at flickr because music posts need music, here's a tot...
Thanks Zotta. For 83 and a half years he was a very healthy guy -- no chronic illness, heart problems, anything. Then he got a kind of anemia the doctor said is known as "old man's disease" among hematologists. After about six months of blood transfusions and efforts to reverse things, it killed him. He was the poster child for positive thinking and stayed hopeful throughout that time.
My Dad was a gentle, basically happy person. He...
My Dad was a gentle, basically happy person. He spent a lot of time with me as a little girl. He sang beautifully and his voice is what I most strongly still remember about him -- probably because the geographic distance between us made the phone our main means of communication. He took me to a l...
My Dad was a gentle, basically happy person. He...
My Dad was a gentle, basically happy person. He spent a lot of time with me as a little girl. He sang beautifully and his voice is what I most strongly still remember about him -- probably because the geographic distance between us made the phone our main means of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at curlysalamander's blog
Zotta, thank you so much. It's nice to be able to have one's words reach out across the ethers and be meaningful to another. I'm going to try to post more when I get back from my Dad's funeral, which I'm leaving for in a few hours.
This transition seems pretty seamless. I'm...
This transition seems pretty seamless. I'm impressed.
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Sep 3, 2010
This transition seems pretty seamless. I'm...
This transition seems pretty seamless. I'm impressed. Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at curlysalamander's blog
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