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Judy Wise
Pacific Northwest
Artist, Writer, Teacher
Recent Activity
i'm coming right over to sort through your box of wonders. you are really amazing.
inner glow...
a week of sunshine and warm weather has brought out the gypsy in me and the stash of rust and eucalyptus dyed silk and cotton that has piled up over the past year thank goodness for clothes pins inside my gypsy tent everything glows... xox - eb.
These are so beautiful I could cry ...
wrapping and binding inspired by Fiona's happy pebbles 70 degrees and beach combing... xox - eb.
Your beautiful, beautiful world; thank you so much for opening it to others; the crystal bowls are still vibrating in my heart. I will never ever forget ...
love letters...
my heart is rooted in home, my family, my environment and in my work... today - after a visit here the skies and the fields filled up with love letters... xox - eb.
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