This is joromimi&me's Typepad Profile.
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home is where the art is
I am an artist, illustrator, knitter, hooker & cooker...forgetful mother to a pair of teenagers & always adorable wife of mostly adorable Mr BB. I own a paint a pot art cafe called Hotchpotch in the Yorkshire countryside a Lakeland terrier called Archie & a bike! I love all things that are beautiful, practical and handmade.
Interests: stitching, making, crochet, cooking for friends and family, baking & burning, books & a whole host of other delightful things.
Recent Activity
joromimi&me is now following Mena
Nov 28, 2009
joromimi&me is now following SouleMama
Nov 28, 2009
joromimi&me is now following amy k.
Nov 28, 2009
Ta! Mr Baxter.x
Blooming Blogs!!!
Holy moly how hard can it possibly be to design a little blog and start writing a paragraph or two about my day....D'ya want to know?......very!! Is it my age?... I am after all 'middleaged' Urghhhhhh that's scary. Am I not the sharpest needle in the sewing box?.....apparently not! Anyhoo I ...
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