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Even though America's Got Talent has been on the air since 2005, until a few years ago I'd never seen an entire episode. Instead, I watched whichever Got Talent videos were trending on YouTube from any of the franchise's shows around the world, from Susan Boyle's stunning I Dreamed a Dream audition in Great Britain to 14-year-old Jack Vidgen wowing the judges in Australia singing Whitney Houston's I have Nothing. While I’ve enjoyed the individual performances that went viral, actually watching the show has been a revelation. From being able to watch the failures as well as the successes to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2021 at WritingSpirit Blog
Do you want to write nonfiction books and make a living as an author? If you do, you don't have to go it alone. It's not as hard as you might imagine or as easy as many will tell you. The truth lies somewhere in-between, as it often does. Wherever you are on your book writing journey, here are some of the benefits that can come from writing a nonfiction book. It will help you to: become an authority in your niche build your brand and your business attract media attention fill classes and book speaking engagements sell more products... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2020 at WritingSpirit Blog
These are exciting times for authors! There are unprecedented opportunities for a writer to self-publish for little or no money, and to promote his or her books worldwide from a home computer. However, because it’s so easy to publish a book, roughly 4,500 new books are published EVERY SINGLE DAY. With so many books flooding the market, the average nonfiction book sells less than 250 copies per year, and many sell considerably less. This is why it’s so important to take a serious and strategic approach to the conceiving and writing of your book. The true value of a nonfiction... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2020 at WritingSpirit Blog
There are dozens of ways to turn your book into additional income streams. But few are as easy as creating low content supplemental books that mostly steal the content right out of your book (of course, since you wrote the book, it's not really stealing). Low Content Books Must Be Crafted with Care There are 4 main types of “low content” supplemental books you can write and publish, based on your book—workbooks, journals, planners, and coloring books. While many marketers sell programs that promote the idea that creating these types of books is super “quick and easy,” please take your... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2020 at WritingSpirit Blog
Many writers love to write books but hate to market them. Unfortunately, that’s totally counterproductive. Book marketing isn’t the enemy. On the contrary, it’s the pathway to a writer’s greatest dream – making a living doing what we love. So, if you truly love writing, it’s important to leave the dream world of creativity and make peace with promotion. Better yet, as hard as this may be to imagine, have fun with it. In the same way that brainstorming and organizing your book’s content and then writing your book are creative acts, so is brainstorming and organizing your promotional plan... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2020 at WritingSpirit Blog
If you're like most authors, you like writing books more than promoting them. Yet, as many will tell you, books don't sell themselves. But what if you could set your book up so that it actually does sell itself? Yes, first a potential reader has to find your book, but the Internet has made it easier for people to find your book beyond traditional book promotion routes--through keyword searches, Amazon algorithms, and other aspects of online life you have no control over other than making sure that you set up your book's metadata (title, subtitle, book description, series name, subject,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2020 at WritingSpirit Blog
Writers are told to study successful books, and there's a lot you can learn from them. But the most important element of a book's success is the writer's unique voice. No matter the plot or subject matter, what makes the writing leap off the page is the author's voice. Here are some ideas about what "voice" is and how to find your unique voice. (This is a sample chapter I wrote for a book I was thinking about writing.) 1. What is a Writer’s “Voice?” Your writer’s voice is the expression of YOU on the page. It’s that simple—and that... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2019 at WritingSpirit Blog
Your true stories may be in demand by Chicken Soul For the Soul. Even if you've never been published before. These are the topics Chicken Soup for the Soul is currently accepting stories for. Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2019 at WritingSpirit Blog
Does the thought of writing a book overwhelm you? Do you have trouble carving a chunk of time out of your busy day to write? Is procrastination the only thing you do consistently? Then these five keys to creating a daily writing habit will help you to pour the book you want to write onto the page. And if you’d like some support writing your book, consider joining the 101 Day Book Writing Challenge on Facebook. It’s free to join, there's a free downloadable 150-page accountability journal, and together we can make 2019 the year you get your book written!!!... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2019 at WritingSpirit Blog
1. Good Writing is Rewriting Rewriting ripens what you’ve written. — Duane Alan Hahn I love the idea that rewriting “ripens” what you’ve written. Even though, in a burst of creative fire, the words that pour through you onto the page feel like the greatest work of fiction or nonfiction that has ever been written, that juicy, joyous, feeling of utter brilliance is merely the afterglow of inspiration—not proof that your words will never need to feel the touch of an editor’s pen. Your first draft isn’t the masterpiece it may feel like, it’s the block of marble from which... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2018 at WritingSpirit Blog
I hope this report, the included exercises, and the email series that goes with it (which provides ADDITIONAL information and tips on each of the 7 keys) will help you on your book writing journey. If you'd like support for creating a daily writing habit and getting your book finished,... Continue reading
As authors, we want our books to be read. For that to happen, our audience needs to be able to find us. But don't kid yourself, that's our job, not theirs. We need to connect with potential readers, and to get them interested in what we have to say. For those of us who would rather write than promote, that can be tough. But it doesn't have to be. I remember, years ago, being nervous before doing my first live group coaching call, but I knew the nervousness would pass, and I’d be okay. Not only did I live through... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2018 at WritingSpirit Blog
Ideas are alive and constantly changing, like the images inside a kaleidoscope. What seems like the right direction to go in one moment, seems all wrong the next. That new ideas are arising and replacing old ones is not a problem. What is a problem is judging the change, using it as an excuse to doubt yourself, labeling the new idea “self-sabotage,” or feeling like a failure for putting an idea or project on the back burner, or dropping it altogether. These reactions cause far more damage than a new idea ever could. An idea is purely creative—it's unique, yet... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2018 at WritingSpirit Blog
A coaching client who recently wrote a short non-fiction book that she self-published on Amazon as both an ebook and print book, asked me in our coaching session, “what’s the quickest way I can monetize my book? Offer Coaching Services The quickest way is to offer coaching services. You would need to add a coaching page to your book’s website describing what services you offer and put a short blurb about your coaching services in the back of your book. You’d also need to decide whether you want to offer potential clients a free strategy session, a low-priced introductory session,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2017 at WritingSpirit Blog
Wouldn't it be wonderful if whenever your book writing stalled, whether through procrastination or "writer's block," you could simply pull out a piece of paper that had a Magic Formula on it--written just for you--that would help jump start your writing, again? Well, I'm going to show you how to create your own Magic Formula that will help you break through any writing issue or block you may have. . Study Your Writing Habits The first step in creating a Magic Formula powerful enough to banish procrastination and blast through writers' block is to identify the specific thoughts, feelings, and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2017 at WritingSpirit Blog
Writing a book from beginning to end takes creativity, commitment, and chutzpah! After spending an hour with these three extraordinary authors you'll not only have insight into their creative process, you'll be inspired to dive more deeply into your own book writing journey. Enjoy... Amy Tan: Where Does Creativity Hide? Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club (one of my all-time favorite novels), The Kitchen God’s Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, and many other novels and children's stories, digs deep into the creative process, journeying through her childhood and family history and into the worlds of physics and chance,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2017 at WritingSpirit Blog
Gratitude can change your life. One of my favorite gratitude quotes illustrates how practicing gratitude can powerfully change your perspective of the everyday events of your life. Gratitude can transform ordinary days into Thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. ~ William Arthur Ward ~ Today, I listened to the Chicken Soup for the Soul podcast, hosted by the book series' publisher, Amy Newmark. In it, she talked about the transformative power of gratitude and challenged listeners to practice gratitude for the next 30 days by listing 3 things they're grateful for every day. I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2017 at The Happiness Blueprint
Chicken Soup for the Soul is the best-selling trade paperback series of all time, with more than 250 books published and over 500 million copies sold. It even made its way into the Guinness Book of World Records in 1999 for having the most books on the New York Times Best-Sellers List at one time. Yet even more important than the series' sales figures and accolades is the impact these books have had on the people who've read them. A Chicken Soup for the Soul story can touch your heart or make you laugh. It can help you feel that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2016 at WritingSpirit Blog
After living through a very difficult year, I want to stride boldly into 2016 with a heart full of hope and possibility. I created this image as a mini vision board in order to keep this feeling at the forefront of my consciousness. It now sits smack-dab in the middle of my desktop so that I can't forget that "I can!" I can meet any challenge that arises with courage and compassion! I can spend more time in quiet contemplation and open more deeply to inspiration! I can connect more intimately and profoundly with Spirit! I can share my deepest... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2015 at The Happiness Blueprint
Hi Claire, I agree with you that there are many ways to approach creating a fan base, and while some strategies might be beneficial for writers in general, others work better for either novelists or non-fiction writers. As a non-fiction writer, what Joel says really resonates with me. In fact, over the last few days I've been looking very deeply at this exact issue: How can I grow my audience (and specifically my email list) so that when I offer some products I have in mind down the road (books, coaching, and classes), I have an eager audience already interested in what I have to say AND a way to connect with them. However, a novelist's success is based more upon storytelling skills, so I think you're right in suggesting that getting a novel published is one of the best ways to grow your audience for fiction writers. Yet even so, I think it's important for a novelist to get to know your audience's tastes and expectations as part of the writing process: through reading lots of books in your genre, through understanding the differences in your sub-genres (such as the difference between a crime procedural and a cozy mystery), and by listening to your audience's likes and dislikes by going on forums and reading book reviews. Building a fan base is a challenge, no matter what. So find what works best for you and your book--both before publication and after--and go for it!!! Write on, Julie
Hi Lisa, I love all your publishing Ps! The only two I'd add would be: have a sense of Purpose and be Playful with it all as much as you can. Yes, Please!! Julie
(These book promotion tips are the secret sauce that successful authors use to create significant and ongoing book sales. It was an honor to be included in this list of extraordinary authors and promotional experts. Join the conversation and let us know what works for you in the comment section, below. -- Julie Isaac, There’s no shortage of advice out there about how to best market your independently published book to new readers. Indeed, it sometimes seems like almost everyone has something to say on the subject. So who do you believe? Who do you pay the closest attention... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2015 at WritingSpirit Blog
You're an author, which means that writing and promotion are always in the #1 and #2 positions on your daily “to do” list. They’re as inseparable as the two sides of a hundred dollar bill. So it’s time to let go of any resistance, fear, or judgment you may have about promotion, and make peace with it. Life's too short to be stressed out by something so essential to your writing success! Here’s something that can help. I'm going to tell you a little secret, and you're probably not going to believe me, at first. That's okay. I can take... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2015 at WritingSpirit Blog
A couple of years ago, I got together with some Law of Attraction friends toward the end of December, and our discussion naturally wandered to what we wanted to manifest in the coming year. The subject of vision boards was brought up, but I was concerned that if I got too specific about what I wanted, it might stir up some resistance and limit my ability to actually manifest it. Being the brainstorming queen that I am, the next morning as I was playing around with the ideas we'd discussed I realized the answer I was looking for was to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2014 at The Happiness Blueprint