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Julie Jacob
I'm a married, stay at home mom with 4 kids.
Interests: scrapbooking, photography, reading, movies
Recent Activity
Yes! For 17 weeks of Officer training!
the bunny poll.
So here is something light and fluffy because I'm sad that Iz and Shelby left for Missouri yesterday. In an effort to cheer myself up, I took down all my Valentine decor... and started with Easter, even though it's really late this year. The other day in the store I saw this: And at first I th...
ooooh! :(
just one question today....
How do you get gum out of a baseball jersey after it's been washed and dried? So far I've tried hot vinegar and am washing again. Oh, and anybody want a 14 year old boy? (He likes gum.)
thankfully, it was closed. It looked like a nightmare. Old and rickety!
The Silver Bullet
Doesn't that look fun? It's one of those coasters where your feet are dangling. And of course I was wearing flip flops, so I had to take mine off and go bare foot. Which felt a little like going through security at the airport bare foot. Iz, Belle, and Ian liked it. I think Belle and Iz ...
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