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Julie Johnson
Just a wife & mom trying to balance everything and living to write about it.
Recent Activity
This album is beautiful! I love the size of it...what brand is it?
The polaroid frames and hipstamatic photos are PERFECT!!
be grateful...
in november i did a daily project on gratitude. i created a book in october to add a photo a day to in november. i designed it so i could use the square photos i love to take with the hipstamatic app on my ipod. i took my daily photos and added them to my book every few days and finished it up r...
Gorgeous stamp! Would love to win it, thanks!
GIVE AWAY: Hero Arts Design Block Stamp (BRAND NEW RELEASE)
I accidentally ordered 2 of these so I want to give one away! I am cleaning and purging so this is going to be a super quick give away to get this stamp out of my house and into some lucky winners. :) Leave a comment here on this post by Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 11:59 a.m. CST for a chance t...
I am totally loving ORCHARD! There is nothing better than orange!
Sneak Night Giveaway
Oh boy, have we got a win it before you can buy it Sneak Night Giveaway for you! Leave a comment telling us which is your favorite color from the new Countryside Mister Huey's and one lucky person will win all five. We'll announce the winner on Saturday. Good luck!
I love Erin's photos so her editing process in conjunction with your shooting training would have to make for amazing photos! Since I have your shooting training already I just need hers! Thanks for the chance to win!
Clean Color
That's me, last April sitting at my kitchen table with Erin Cobb, learning (and apparently, very excited) about her editing process. I've said it before, but learning her editing process was revolutionary for me. I had spent so many years working towards creating the best images possible SOOC ...
I love this whole collection but can't wait for the Mister Huey's the most!!
State Fair
Thank you so much for all your great comments about Countryside yesterday! We're as excited about it as you are. I've got the second collection to share with you today... are you ready? Step right up and check out our second release, State Fair. Imagine strolling the midway at the state fai...
Without a doubt...The Catcher in the Rye!
Reveal Night Giveaway: The Classics
We're giving away The Classics line from American Crafts! Leave a comment here with your favorite book and we'll pick a winner Tuesday morning.
Merry Christmas Carrie, hope you and your family have a wonderful day.
Merry Christmas!
Hope your day is filled with *SWEET* memories!
Make more please, and sell them! I can't sew...totally sewing inept, but I need one of these. Either one, LOVE them both!
ode to ruffles...
i love ruffles...full, layered, cinched bunches of fabric LOVE. 2 days ago i woke up with this idea of ruffle-ing my canvas messenger bag. the most exciting part about the whole process is going through my fabric stash and coordinating is a total high for me. all the patterns and ...
That is an amazing photo! LOVE it!
Picture the Holidays
"Holding Onto Gratitude" Our prompt was to capture something we are Grateful for - I picked Family & Friends! Made this photo by taking one picture of my blue lights to get the bokeh, another of a heart ornament & then played around a bit with opacity. So excited December is finally here! H...
Wow Carrie, I love it all!! Great job ;)
December Date Pages: 1-15
Finally got all the date sheets done for Journal Your Christmas/December Daily over the weekend. Tried to stick with Blue, Silver & White colors but added a bit of Red & Green in too. Went back through last years JYC prompts to match the theme except for the 10th - when I know we are going to ...
I did it...
After much fear, self-doubt, and procrastination I finally did it...I opened up my shop. This is something that I have wanted to do for several years but just never did it. I think the biggest reason was self-doubt. It's... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2010 at just our story
I am thankful for my wonderful family! They make every day amazing!
Sneak Night Giveaway
Here's your chance to win a set of Elementary Mister Huey's for our Sneak Night Giveaway! Leave a comment letting us know what you're thankful for this November. One winner will be chosen Sunday night. Have fun!
What an amazing giveaway! Thanks :)
Christmas Card Photos from Friends & Family (a layout) + Jillibean Soup GIVEAWAY
***updated*** with links to all my previous layouts in my "Christmas Cards from Friends & Family Album". Welcome to Wednesday's edition of Holiday Blog Reader Appreciation Week! Today I have a layout share. Every year one of the things I look forward to the most around Christmas time is the car...
Parenting Fail.
Tonight, after a really good day of birthday party fun, I made a really huge parenting fail. So, so frustrated with parenting right now. J & T were arguing, as is the norm with them, and J screamed then started... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2010 at just our story
Hey Elise! I am taking Kal's class but the slow + steady version...LOVE your creativity definition.
What IS that thing he picked up? Some kind of sea creature? Love the look on his face, like "what the h$##?"
A Few More.
Just a few shots from the beach up in Seattle. We had a contest to see how many times we could skip a rock. Josh Downs: 6 (And he can make ANY rock skip.) Coley: 4 (He's on the fast-track to becoming a master-rock-skipper.) My sister: 3 (She's not too shabby.) Me: 3 (I stink. Thos...
Love this page Donna! I started a page in the middle of my inspiration journal (that I picked up at your class last Saturday) but haven't finished it yet. I am TOTALLY going to do something like this on my first page though! And, thanks for the inkjet image transfer instructions...have been trying to get that to work for years!
inspiration wednesday + video
start today! yes i mean on the first page of your inspiration journal...go ahead, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! i started in a new inspiration journal today...i couldnt wait and to be honest with you, you inspired me! this page belongs in a new book as a reminder that every time i open the book, i am an...
Documentary The Cove...
To learn more or support this cause click here or here Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2010 at just our story
Wow! Those are such adorable cards! That is a ton of work to get done, you are amazing!!
Thank You Cards
Decided to make sets of "Thank You" & "Just a Note" cards for the kid's Teacher's end of year gifts. The above for Kindergarten Teacher and these for 3rd: Still thinking of what to do for Speech Teacher & Bus Driver yet - any suggestions would be appreciated, lol. Hope your weekend was nice ...
OH. MY. GOSH. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that frame! We are just finishing up some home remodeling and yellow & turquoise is my NEW color scheme...I am totally going to make something like this! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!
it's a blog hop!
we're celebrating the release of Studio Calico's newest line, Documentary. I have this frame in our living room that I like changing according to the season. it started as a mother's day gift from julian and it now looks like this. clean. fresh. colorful. it's super simple but i love ...
Awesome layout!! I love how you are able to combine different patterns together so well, I stink at that!
Documentary Blog Hop!
Welcome to the Studio Calico Documentary Blog Hop! We are celebrating the release of our newest release, Documentary. It's a wonderful collection full of creative, graphic prints, and it's travel themed to boot! But since I won't be traveling for quuuiiiiite some time, HEE! I decided to show...
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