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Juliette Crane
Recent Activity
thank you for your sweet words about my class. happy weekend! xoxo
LifeBook 2014 Winner!
Happy Saturday! Today is a day of house cleaning for our family.. we have just put it off for MUCH too long! Lol BUt before we get started doing laundry for 8 people, cleaning bathrooms, bedrooms, mopping floors.. I think its a good idea to have a little JOY in my day and giveaway the spot into ...
so sweet! thank you for sharing this! you can never have too much thank you's and it is so wonderful to spread and share all of that kindness! THANK YOU!
happy creating!
you really don't know when and where it will strike but if you stay open, you'll begin to see it everywhere. Some time this week, a kindred spirit in the creative world, a good friend Jessica of Sweet Eventide, shared a link with me to this wonderful inspiring poet, songwriter, performer, and s...
it is so fun to see your art evolving! i just LOVE it! and how you are putting in things from your daily walks. i can so see the you being revealing and i am so inspired :)
have a lovely weekend, jan!
taking an artistic leap.
“when in doubt, make a fool of yourself. there is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. so what the hell, leap. ~cynthia heimel, "lower manhattan survival tactics" everyday during the school year, i walk my son back an...
so completely adorable and what a fun medium for your art :)
playing with more embroidery illustration
'this is my kite' Ah, I can't tell you how much fun this was, well that was until I tried ironing the muslin while in the hoop which slightly burned/browned the fabric. I know that in itself could've been interesting effect, but not the one I was going for, so after I panicked I painted the...
to me she is also saying, "just keep going."
best wishes to you, jan!
painting my muse.
like a girl on a mission, i’ve been playing and working in the studio oh these lonely nights, exploring and experimenting to see if i can unearth my creative voice, to create something that feels truly my own. all this wandering around can make a soul feel downright discouraged. wondering i...
i love her wings, so much detail going on there! and i esp love the prayer flags running along the back. that's a fun theme you have going all over the place too :)
painting my muse.
like a girl on a mission, i’ve been playing and working in the studio oh these lonely nights, exploring and experimenting to see if i can unearth my creative voice, to create something that feels truly my own. all this wandering around can make a soul feel downright discouraged. wondering i...
Juliette Crane is now following Malia
Aug 9, 2010
i'm super excited that you're playing in your studio. i love those letterpress blocks! all of your photos are just beautiful!
happy creating!
learning to trust.
“trust that little voice in your head that says “wouldn't it be interesting if..”; and then do it.” ~ duane michals { vintage letterpress blocks + mixed-media collage, original (front) | “TRUST” | © hazelnut cottage } i am learning how to trust. it is hard to do. learning to trust myself, t...
THANK YOU! it's been so nice to connect with you, Michelle! I wish you all of the best in the world!
Right around the corner
My most Favorite holiday is right around the corner and in between large orders that I'm trying to fill, I'm squeezing in a few of these I'm hoping to bring these and more to The Creative Connection in Minneapolis in September and to Glitterfest in October. I'm also hoping to take a vacat...
what a beautiful photo and a wonderful message. i love that!
i'm am finding so much inspiration looking through all of the photos on your blog! i just can't stop reading! and definitely need to pick up A Charming Exchange. thank you for sharing!
best wishes, juliette
i just wanted to say how much your ART SAVES story touched my heart. thank you so much for sharing. i am just loving looking through your blog and seeing all of these amazing creations! thank you for being such an inspiration!
best wishes to you!
Right around the corner
My most Favorite holiday is right around the corner and in between large orders that I'm trying to fill, I'm squeezing in a few of these I'm hoping to bring these and more to The Creative Connection in Minneapolis in September and to Glitterfest in October. I'm also hoping to take a vacat...
just happened over to your blog and oh my! am i in awe. LOVING your shared spirit and fantastic photography and art! and then i read about italy and adventures and am completely taken aback!
thank you so much for being such an incredible inspiration! i so admire all you are doing and cannot wait to stop by again and see more and more!
best wishes to you!
what i have been learning...
to flourish while you can giggling is the best medicine unexpected visitors are nice, even if they don't wish to come inside for tea a little sunlight does a lot of good take what you can get, when you can get it a little generosity goes a long way children are so achingly amazi...
such a beautiful handbag and what a gorgeous blog! this is the first time i have seen any of your items and i am so in awe! i am absolutely admiring everything! and i think you pretty much convinced me to head to the Creative Connection event! thank you for sharing all of your super fabulous creative energy and inspiration! i cannot wait to wander off to more :)
best wishes to you!
Specters & Sparkles
My feet! They are trotting along beneath me now, where they belong. What a feat it has been to catch up on things after a couple of months of scattered-ant-hill syndrome. I'm nearly there. Just a few more photos for a book contribution, and one more design for my next fabric collection (of c...
thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos! this looks like an amazing event! i am so excited to learn more and am so happy to have found your beautiful blog! thank you for being such an inspiration :)
best wishes!
Beauty was Everywhere. . .
The most beautiful group of mermaids, both inside and out, came together to relax, craft, play, laugh and appreciate each other this last weekend. It seemed to go by much too quickly but the memories will be with us forever. . . There is much unpacking and resting to do but I will be back...
what beautiful blossoms! i too wish i could find the same inspiration in winter. i keep looking :)
this is such a beautiful blog. thank you for all of the inspiration!
best wishes to you!
Floral Frou Frou Love
I have been loving the blooms this week. The ones on the left from our lovely yard, the one on the right a friends cottage. I have been wanting to do some floral paintings too so I took the opportunity to try and loosen up and be as loose as I wanna be. I think I'll do some more of them. S...
so interesting and inspiring! and i can't wait to check out all of your fabulous book suggestions and reviews :) thank you so much, jenny!
best wishes to you always!
BOOK :: Craft Corps by Vickie Howell
ISBN-13: 978-1600594687 Lark Books Review by Jenny Doh Vickie Howell knows a thing or two about crafting. But her knowledge goes far beyond the knit and purl. Her knowledge is one that understands that through the process of creating, a special phenomenon happens. And that's called communit...
your blog and shop are so beautiful! i just can't stop reading here and devouring everything i'm seeing! i adore your photos and can't wait to stop by again and see more! thank you so much for being so incredibly inspiring!
have a super fabulous weekend! i cannot wait to find some of that yocream! thank you for sharing!
best wishes to you!
Have you ever ate at a YoCream before? I hadn't! My first time ever this month. :) If I have ANYTHING to do with it, it will NOT be my last! It was suuuper yummy. They had the biggest blackberries I have ever seen. You basically serve yourself from the "self serve machines..." ...
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