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Recent Activity
i just adore visiting your blog! and am so smitten with everything you create! you're so talented and inspiring!!!
good luck with everything!
Sorry about all the quiet, i know you can hear crickets chirping around here lately. I am totally and completely swamped with moving craziness. Things are hectic and i've been feeling a little on the quiet side. I'm not so sure if i'm managing the chaos well. The house is filled with cardboard...
so sweet! i've been loving your online workshop and been meaning to go to squam...
I am beyond excited to share with you that I will be going back to Squam this fall!!! I will be teaching a class that feels very dear to me, The Painted Icon. I would love for you to join me! & thank you so very much for your wonderful comments on my last post. they mean a lot to me! this i...
Juliettecrane is now following Liz Ness
Jan 31, 2011
your blog is just beautiful + i'm just loving looking through all of your gorgeous artwork! so happy you'll be in misty's class too!
xoxo, juliette
I am SO excited and feel so blessed to be able to take this class from Misty Mawn! I love her art, photography and writing. It looks like just what I need to get 2011 started off right!! I think GROW will be my word for next year and this fits perfectly! Maybe it would fit for you too... Misty ...
these look delicious! i'm so happy to find your shops and blog through wwc and cannot stop looking through everything! thank you for being such an inspiration!
happy holidays!
Got Dessert? Cranberry Bliss Bars.
If you have a sweet tooth then this dessert is for you. I was looking for a recipe for a Holiday party and Kasey was nice enough to suggest this. You can find the full recipe on her blog here. The dough is very much like a cookie dough and I think (not kitchen tested) that you could easily make ...
i just love all of those fabrics and colors too! i wish we lived closer, i have two gigantic tupperware bins full of fabric from when i was playing with making and embellishing t-shirts and bags. i don't know what to do with all of it now and am certain someone can make much better use of it all than me.
can't wait to see your new creations! have a lovely rest of your week!
xoxo, juliette
More from the fabric addict
Another weekend has come and gone. Overall, i had a wonderful weekend working away and i even had the pleasure of meeting a reader at a local Bazaar i never knew was out there reading. I really appreciate those of you stopping by my little bubble space here. Recently i found a local online fab...
Juliettecrane is now following Account Deleted
Dec 1, 2010
what a lovely bag! i am so taken by marrisa's line too and it's something i've been repeating as well..."i am a thriving artist!"
thank you so much for the reminder :)
xoxo, juliette
I am a Thriving Artist
I hope your weekend was fun. I certainly had a good one. It was not only filled with lots of LONG naps, but some crafting and several hours of lounging. I'm feeling much better and in catch up mode. Thanks for all the kind words during my sick days {and always}, too. I really appreciate it. In...
hello! your artwork is absolutely lovely! i am happy to have found your blog and can't wait to stop back again. it is always so nice to connect with other artists. thank you for being such an inspiration! good luck with everything! xoxo, juliette
Coming on Like Blazes
The next two days on my calendar are completely empty, and that means I have two blissfully expansive chunks of time during which I can get lost in my latest creative work. Now that I've reached the down slope in my first official week of working on my next series, I realize how long it has b...
Juliettecrane is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 25, 2010
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