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I was given the honor of playing Santa Claus for a local newspaper this morning. It was a truly remarkable experience! The suit is made of MAGIC. People just LOVE Santa Claus! I know I do... I even made a vlog about it. Can you believe that?! Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
So, here's a little (tiny) bit more info, as I had promised I would attempt to supply, once I knew a bit more about the whole "Beer Is Tasty" on TiVo topic... And LOOKIT THAT! The one episode that we get a screenshot of, is the ONE and ONLY episode co-starring yours truly. Ain't that just the greatest! =) In other BiT news, it looks like there are plans in the works for Jupiter Broadcasting to go on location with a local brewery. We intend to at the very least get a quick tour, taste, and interview with their brewmaster(s).... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
Subtitled: Economies SUCK! Sub-subtitled: I live with my parents.... Link to YouTube: Within the incredibly entertaining innards of this, my second-ever VLOG, you will come to understand the financial circumstances that have led to my current living situation. Enjoy! I had a lot of fun making this one. =) Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day! The #1 thing I'm thankful for this season: Finally enjoying what I'm doing for a living, after almost a decade of soul-sucking paper pushing. It might not be the most financially rewarding stuff I've done in a while, but dammit if I'm not happier than I've been for longer than I can remember. And that's worth being thankful for! Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
So, I promised to update this dealie when I had details for Sunday's LIVE STREAM @ Jupiter Broadcasting. I guess I failed. I updated elsewhere though! And at one point we had over 100 people in there. I'm so proud. =) Really, honestly -- I'm thrilled that we continue to receive almost nothing but positive feedback regarding our podcasting projects. They're an absolute BLAST to make, and knowing that folks are enjoying the finished products really helps make all the hard work worthwhile. Oh, also, I lied about the cookies. My bad. Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
I have begun a VLOG project, posting over on YouTube. For the time being, this is project is not attached to Jupiter Broadcasting, but more of just a personal outlet for continued internet creativity. It's also serving the purpose of helping me learn to record and edit video and audio using less sophisticated tools than those typically available in the Jupiter studio. It helps me to appreciate how much of a difference that equipment really can make, in the finished products. For example, the audio in this first video is pretty terrible, and very hit-and-miss. I laid a music track... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
In NON-Jupiter news, I had the opportunity to perform last night with some of the absolute best Country & Bluegrass musicians from this area. The "Hometown Hootenanny" was an absolute blast, and even a slight financial success. Really looking forward to our Christmas show in December! Now to put together a song list for it.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
Planning an extravaganza of show recordings for Sunday. I will endeavor to push for LIVE STREAMS of all of it, so stay tuned to your usual channels to tune in! The fun usually begins around 2pm PST. I will update you all when I have more solid details. And a confirmation. And cookies. Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
Bah! That's cuz this tweaky software auto-parsed the comma into the link... Curse my use of grammatical punctuation!
1 reply
Heidi- Actually found you via your MicroBlog, and am really enjoying your past entries from the "Big" one. I'm 1/3rd of an active online podcasting venture with ~10,000 regular subscribers, looking for new avenues of expanding our audience base, and it looks like picking the brain of a smart professional like yourself could be in our future. If you're interested in seeing what we're about, please check out our site when you have some time., or drop me a line for more info [email protected] Thanks!
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Jeremy is now following HeidiMiller
Nov 19, 2009
Chatting with Chris while he plays on his new Hackintosh. Part two of that custom build video might be up this weekend. He's still working out a few kinks, but it runs! Also cuts the render time of our videos almost in half, and it's not even running at 100% yet! This is going to be a great boon to the future of Jupiter Broadcasting. Jeremy likey. I really enjoy these chats. They make me feel like I'm contributing more than just an incredibly handsome face to the company. We've got PLANS, peeps. This ain't no flash-in-the-pan media blitz, or... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2009 at Jeremy's blog
Welcome to the blog of Jupiter Broadcasting's one-and-only (thank Heavens) Jeremy! Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at Jeremy's blog