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Tracey B.
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A supportive bra is a gift to everyone, but your boobs look fine to me. :D
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Exactly. They are PEOPLE, regardless of their ages. There are plenty of kid free places (bar, anyone) that adults can go to be away from the future generations of our world.
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on Mom vs. World at Chicago Moms Blog
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I cry easily, so a graduation ceremony would definitely make me weepy. It's just another marker of how big they've gotten and how quickly it's flown by. Life is pretty crappy sometimes. If a family wants to throw a party, I say go for it. There are plenty of situations where we don't get what we want. My kids have never had a graduation party but if I could have afforded something special, I would have done it. That said, our parties are pretty low-key. Balloons and a home made cake with a couple of stickers for prizes and we're good.
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on Congratulations Graduate? at Chicago Moms Blog
1 reply
Anyone with a child from the ages of 3-12 knows EXACTLY what Sillybandz are. On the off chance that you haven't been sucked into the latest fad of the year; briefly explained, they are little rubber bands that kids wear... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2010 at Chicago Moms Blog
Darling, you are overthinking this. 1 toy each. 1 snack. 1 drink. When it's gone, you leave. Trust me. I've done the pool several times a week with 3 kids for almost 5 years now, and I've got it down to a science. The tv for sunscreen though is genius!
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2010 on Pool Time at Deep South Moms
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Hang on a second while I recover from that $100 for a sitter remark.... I need to direct my husband to this post whenever he makes a comment about moving away. I always tell him that he has no IDEA how much our family helps us out by living in the area... I am glad for the both of you that you got that free night out! Maybe you can find another friend who wants to coordinate alternate months for sleepovers so that you will both be guaranteed nights out without sitters to worry about?
Toggle Commented May 13, 2010 on When the kids are away at NYC Moms
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Nice post.
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Awwwww! That is a sweet pic. It looks like a Coca-Cola ad from my youth!
Toggle Commented May 10, 2010 on Happy Mother's Day at momtrolfreak
That was hysterical! Hope you got your coffee!
It can ALWAYS be harder. It is good to keep perspective on life. I really don't think most people realize how good we really DO have it...
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:) Bloggers ARE writers, but a different breed, that's all. Congrats on being spotted!
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Well, it's only spoiling if she isn't appreciative and you don't enjoy doing it, IMHO. That said, she IS getting quite a lot of special attention. Maybe she should be involved in the extra processes that she is requiring for her lunch to arrive at school just-so?
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2010 on Hot and Cold at Chicago Moms Blog
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Honey, I think it's the city kids that are missing out. Not that camps and activities aren't great, but having endless summer days with Mom and Dad (when he's home!) are way more valuable. Also? The other 4 year olds won't even REMEMBER that they went to camp in a few years! These early years are kind of for the parents, so why not be the one who has the memories, instead of a paid worker at a facility? ALSO! We plan on hanging with you this summer. We've got a backyard with a slightly crooked swingset and a community pool just down the street. Your kids can learn the joys of picking thistles from their bare feet. It'll be a hoot.
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on Programming Our Kids at Chicago Moms Blog
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Oh honey... Being a parent is painful, no matter the age I guess. My own mom still tells me that it never gets easier, just different. FABULOUS news!
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on Too Much Rope at 50-something Moms Blog
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As a person who has been on the receiving end of food pantry charity many times throughout her life, it can be extremely scary to look into the pantry and honestly have nothing to eat. The Food pantries are always in need of donations. We donate when we can!
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Shoot. my kids ARE young and my yard STILL looks like that. I fear what it will look like in 15 years...
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2010 on The Downside of an Empty Nest at Chicago Moms Blog
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Well, the expense of one more child doesn't seem that much greater to me. Our 3rd just slipped right into our lives and fits quite nicely. Almost TOO nicely, actually, because I would love to have just ONE more baby... Sigh... I think, for some of us, the desire to have a baby never really fades. And for ME, "borrowing" a baby only makes the aching stronger. I don't WANT to give them back when they start acting up! I want to be the one they turn to! Great. It's 2 am and I'm getting weepy. FABULOUS!
Toggle Commented Apr 16, 2010 on My Magic Number is Two at Chicago Moms Blog
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I hear ya, Kim. WAY too familiar with this scenario! Patrick's hours are HORRENDOUS, but being able to pay for food and mortgage kind of rocks... Hope his new job is a great fit for you guys! Congrats!
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2010 on The New Normal at Chicago Moms Blog
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JcPenney had way more than Target. And most of their tops and bottoms were easy to match to each other.
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Ahem. I needed this lesson today. Thank you for reminding to not focus on the mistake but the lesson I have learned from it...
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Having never lived in the city where the school system is set up like that, I can't even imagine how strange it must be to have to battle it out for the elementary school you want your child to attend. Good luck on the wait!
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Sigh... Life is hard, isn't it? Though I wish I could eliminate all the pain and suffering from my kids' lives, I know that it is exactly that suffering which will make them stronger and empathetic adults. Still sucks, though.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2010 on Diary of a Second Grade Mom at Chicago Moms Blog
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The Hello Kitty books are the most fun to color. All sweet shapes and bold lines...
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2010 on Color full (in)couragement at
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That is sad. So, so sad... Our first home had huge maples on one side of the property, towering evergreens on another line and absolutely enormous walnut trees along the sidewalk. The leaves were a lot of work, yes. But the shade, beauty and wildlife that they provided were worth the effort. The last time we drove by it? All of the evergreens and maples had been cut down to add "improvements" to the property. It looked... pathetic and small and miserable.
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Whatever you do, don't STOP reading TO her. It's a great way to make sure that what she's reading is appropriate and to connect with each other. And congrats! An early reader is a blessing.
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2010 on A bookworm is born at Chicago Moms Blog
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