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The pictures look great and the bread look amazing- would love to go there for a course. My bread making skills are a little rusty
The School of Artisan Food - Bread Session Day Four
This week, I'm over-the-moon to be attending the School of Artisan Food in Nottinghamshire, on their four day bread baking session. Taught by baking legend of the future, Emmanuel Hadjiandreou, it's a comprehensive bread extravaganza. Day Four I was a bit sad when I woke up this morning. Da... is now following Jennifer Farnell
Jun 29, 2010
Is it worth flying over from Ireland to check it out. Am really excited and would love to check out this coffee shop, being waiting for someone to open something like this
Penny University (Square Mile Coffee House)
It would be an understatement to say that I have been quite excited about Square Mile's inaugural foray into the coffeehouse business. Many rumours were circulating about the format of this new London venture with suggestions of no espresso, no milk, no sugar...many a sane person would have bal... is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 29, 2010
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