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Interests: sock knitting, stash building, needle testing
Recent Activity
My gym has five locker rooms, two women's, two men's and one family (which I have never seen). The one I use is attached to the fitness end of the building and the one I don't use leads to the pool area. I never see children in mine, thank goodness, but suddenly the water aerobics crew are using it because they don't like undressing around kids.
The water aerobics crew could win an inappropriate nudity contest.
Heard in the Locker Room
I go to a Very Nice Gym. We have a Very Nice Locker Room. Still . . . things get a little rough in there. I have long considered a Blog Theme . . . Heard in the Locker Room. (Because truly unbelievable.) But I've long decided against it. (Because trying to do no harm.) But, well . . . som...
Yes, everything you said! The years free you to be you! xoxo
February 4: Not Quite Just Another Day
While there are many "anniversaries" to mark a cancer journey (diagnosis, treatment, NED*, etc.), I have chosen to mark the end of chemo as the anniversary I celebrate. That's today. February 4. Seven years. In some ways, it seems like it was a long, long time ago. And in others, I think . ...
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