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{just the little things.}
Chicago, IL
event planner + creative designer
Interests: shopping, parties, events, cooking, crafts, baking, graphic design, eating, organizing, couponing
Recent Activity
I had leftover brisket + white bread from dinner the night before and decided to make a melt/grilled cheese. It was insanely delicious. I barely thought about taking this photo before I dove into it. What made it worthwhile was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2012 at just the little things
Thanks for your encouraging words Sojin! :) I am trying to be more thankful this year too. We can always use a little bit more of that, right? :)
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2012 on the good life at just the little things
1 reply
On my drive home after dinner last night with an extraordinary bulging stomach, it dawned on me how thankful I am for this upcoming year of life. For the past 2 months, I dreaded my birthday and the thought of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2012 at just the little things
If you've ever been to Chicago, you've probably had an Italian beef from Portillo's. It's one of the best around! But their chocolate cake is equally delicious and very inexpensive! I had always heard rumors that they used mayonnaise to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2012 at just the little things
At the south end of the High Line Walk in NYC, we heard faint sounds of a cellist that drew us close. Loved the contrast of the polished cellist against the bright blue tattered tentative wall. It was so peaceful... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2012 at just the little things
Adorable. Love it! :)
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2012 on make someone happy: no. 01 at Oh Joy!
A few months ago, my sister and I took a fun trip to NYC for an extended weekend... I knew on the trip that I had to stop by the memorial which was entirely different than the last time I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2012 at just the little things
I started running this summer. Just to give you a frame of reference. I’ve always despised running. I’m not athletic. I could walk forever, but running is a beast that I never dared facing. I always admired those who could... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2012 at just the little things
When I saw a sneak peek of the new orla kiely for method line here, I checked Target every time I stopped by to see if they carried them. Last week, I finally caved and bought them! I'm not a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at just the little things
Mini clothes pins + 2 coats of nail polish + 1 coat of mod podge = fun way to hang things! I placed the mini clothespins on a piece of cardstock and placed an old piece of paper underneath to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2012 at just the little things
Her eyes say it all - full of wonder and awe! So sweet! Growing up, my parents didn't say it much to us... but now, my mom won't ever hang up the phone until we say it to each other. She usually says thanks after I say it too...
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2012 on happy friday + saying i love you... at Oh Joy!
ah... I miss you Ms. Houston! I've been listening to her songs over and over again and it's bringing me back to my junior high days with over-sized sweaters, voluminous bangs and leggings (guess things are still the same sans... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at just the little things
I am always in awe of the adorable creations Jessica creates from How About Orange. But this one is perfect for Valentine's Day or any fun celebration at home. And the best part, you can run it through the dishwasher... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at just the little things
I didn't realize the magnitude of SOPA until I read about it over the past few days. To learn more, stop by the only wiki site is up today... If you have a moment, please sign this petition to let... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2012 at just the little things
Excited to hear that Jason Wu is coming to Target! I know the Missoni line at Target was a BIG deal and hardly anyone got everything they wanted. Those darn chevron stripes! 'm hoping it won't be as mad as... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at just the little things
December seemed likes a blur... actually most of 2011 does. I met up with a friend recently and he asked... how was 2011? I couldn't really specify any details except it felt like a blur. So I was pretty eager... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2012 at just the little things
and yet, another adorable webazine, My Little Jedi, from Australia, of course! Just in time for the holidays too! The photo below would be a wonderful dessert table for a festive party! Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2011 at just the little things
There's magican in having a real pine Christmas tree during the holidays. But I've stumbled several alternatives to a pine tree, especially if you are lacking space during the holiday or perhaps traveling and want to bring some decor with... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at just the little things
love love LOVE Club Monaco!!! I especially love the 70s... reminds me of early photos I saw of my mom when she was in her late teens/ early twenties... wish she kept some of her clothes, especially her bags/purses. Too bad I can't fit into her shoes!
How GREAT would it be for a friend, husband, wife or pretty much anyone in your life? Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day linked together with Yahoo Mail to come up with this AMAZING way to wish a guest of... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2011 at just the little things
When I was younger, the thought of taking a trip somewhere excited me so much that I'd often pack my bag weeks in advance! Only to have to go back into my bag to find something I needed/wanted prior to... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2011 at just the little things
Mod Podge, you always amaze me! You're better than glue and much easier than tape! You adhere and seal at the same time. Thank you! Here are some great Mod Podge ideas... if you have the time and want to... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2011 at just the little things
Well, unless you want to let your guests know which end of the table they should sit at! How amazing is this table? I think it's every bride's dream to not have to spend hours agonizing over the seating arrangement.... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at just the little things
My sister is counting down the days until school ends like most teachers are around this time. Unfortunately for her, she has to make up the few snow days their school used up throughout the crazy snow storm we experienced... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at just the little things
Let's hope I keep up with it. It's pretty darn hard at times!
Toggle Commented May 24, 2011 on bridesmaids! at just the little things
1 reply