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Lacey Anderson
Recent Activity
Lacey Anderson is now following MrGhaz
Dec 26, 2009
I hope this movie receives the praise it deserves in media. I'll be keeping a close watch on the numbers. :-)
AVATAR: Biggest December Open Ever?
20th Century Fox says AVATAR sold over $232 million in tickets for the second-biggest December open ever, despite an East Coast blizzard and not even being released in China or Japan yet. And AVATAR definitely set a record for best 3-D opening. Oh sure, there are haters, even if they wanted to ...
Lacey Anderson is now following AVATAR
Dec 26, 2009
My boyfriend and I loved this movie. I've blogged, tweeted, and facebooked good reviews in hopes that Avatar will create enough income to justify a sequel. I enjoyed the story and action in the movie Avatar but our favorite aspect of the movie was the planet itself. The scenery and the elements that the planet Pandora provided throughout the movie were attractive and stirred my sense of adventure. If there were to be a sequel I would like to see other planets. The possibilities are what really excite me.
AVATAR: Will There Be a Sequel?
Ready for an AVATAR sequel? James Cameron has no objection if AVATAR is successful, but hints about it are tough to come by. If there is a sequel, one of Cameron's first stops for ideas is the video-game wizards at Ubisoft, and Cameron says AVATAR's time-intensive motion-capture technology "ma...
Lacey Anderson is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 26, 2009
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