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Heyy caroline r u still there? Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at AVATAR
XD nice lol yes Avatar is crazzzzy i just went to go see it yesterday with my friend again and it was SOOOOO AWESOME =D it was even better the second time; my brother thinks im going insane but im like whatever cuz its the best movie EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR =D
XD ok nice Maine :P what a weird name but w/e yea im tired too gotta wake up early so im gonna ttyl sleep well Caroline :)
no i dont have a funny accent silly im from Ontario Canada. ONTARIO FTW!!!! =D
hahaha silly southerners XD really? thats pretty jks :P nice i suck at geography and names so i cant remember any of the american states except texas and florida :P lol so which state has that whole "wicked" thing? in my opinion, Ontarios the bomb cuz I live there XD ooo im excited im going to see Avatar AGAIN on the 29th =D
hahaha lol Canada's the best XD r u one of those Americans then with the funny accents? :P joking
o and how did u find out about this blog? i found out from a friend that i went to see the movie with who had the same depression as me :P
o nice lol i remember those grades they were so easy XD im in gr 11 but i should be in gr10 cuz i skipped a grade :P im 15 wbu? Canadian?
wait so ur in gr 7 or 8 or something? lol :P
hahahaha lol o ur a poet thats great :P i suck at poetry XD but im quite sure that i could write a short story for an idea of the next Avatar, that would be amazing; the source of the frustration and sadness is quite odd, i still can't figure it out, but i found that a good way to cope was to imagine the movie in ur mind and reflect on it and try to find similarities in the human world, such as the beautiful scenery and plants =D o so ur in like grade 7 or 8 thats alrite no need to be sorry thats fine XD and who doesn't love AVATAR! XD :P
yea that would be amazing, i wish that we would be able to observe and adapt to become similar to the Na'vi that would be amazing! =D and yes im quite sure he'll make a sequel, what with the HUGE SUCCESS of Avatar furthered by people like you and I i was blown away by the CGI and amazing display of the faunas and wildlife it simply BLEW MY MIND =D
Mooks added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 27, 2009
hahaha lol thats a good idea Caroline. Team Avatar =D. AAF is kinda lame :P but yea i like Team Avatar or Team Na'vi that'd be good too. o hey i was wondering, after u saw Avatar did u feel a type of depression or sadness? cuz i felt it and many others have as well, ive heard that some ppl have outlets that they use such as writing or painting, im not very artistic btw lol how about u? r u in high school or univeristy or what? lol there are probably a lot more options to do stuff in university i would imagine
Mooks is now following Caroline
Dec 27, 2009
hey guys and girls, dont u think we should create a name or something for us people who love avatar so much? i think there should be something to distinguish us from other fans. Any ideas? Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2009 at AVATAR
hahaha lol well im just tryin to help my fellow Avatar lovers ease their suffering! :P YESSSSSSS APRILLLLLLL ugh that seems so far away still :'( o we should create a name for us ppl who love avatar so much
o and what i said about the downloaded version of the movie thats 1.36 GB it doesn't have any english subtitles, but i found a better version that is 2.07 GB on Vuze; however, even thought there are subtitles, they rnt the most accurate, but for the most part, they're pretty good so i advise every1 to go download it to help ease the pain until the vid comes out on BLURAY!!!! =D
hmmm i c thats a pretty good idea actually; well i jsut got 2 games for christmas so my parents wont let me get another one XD ummmm wow thats really cool ooooo BANSHEES FTW!!! o yea is there a free roam? or is it just that the map is large?
Mooks is now following Elequin
Dec 27, 2009
Mooks is now following Nicholas Carreras
Dec 27, 2009
Mooks added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 27, 2009
wow i thought only me and yunus were the only ppl with the depression; i tried to explain to other people but they jsut dont get it, so now i can let it all out now! =D but yea me and yunus went to go see it; it was my first and his second, and afterwards i was like "damn lets go watch it again" but we couldn't and this made me quite sad. I felt like i was living on Pandora as one of the other Na'vi observing Jake and Neytiri's adventures and then i was brought back to reality... dammit, so well i have no real artistic talents such as writing or painting, but i hav found that creating ideas within my head, or watching the movie from a downloaded source (a good one is 1.36GB and i downloaded it off of Vuze) and the quality is alrite, and the sound as well, but obviously nowhere near as amazing as the cinemas, but it does help to watch it and relive the experiences =D but im gonna try and take up some writing in between studying and gaming :P so thanks for all ur posts everyone i feel more at home now being able to share my emotions
hahah tru tru yea but i agree with Steve, i would enjoy seeing more of the relationship between Jake and Neytiri, as well as life in the Omaticaya tribe and all the Na'vi that'd be pretty awesome =D Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2009 at AVATAR
Mooks is now following yunus danis
Dec 27, 2009
Mooks is now following AVATAR
Dec 26, 2009