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Jamie Walters
Jamie Walters is the founder of Ivy Sea and the author of, among other things, Big Vision, Small Business, the critically acclaimed conscious-enterprise and spirit-centered right-livelihood guide published by Berrett-Koehler. She is a respected horizon-walker and guide for humane business, right livelihood, and engaged or embodied spirituality -- including the embodiment and expression of the Divine Feminine, and a 'reconnection' to your Divine Spark.
Recent Activity
From time immemorial, we have invoked the Muses, or spent our time waiting and praying for The Muse's visit. Poets, bards, master craftsmen, magicians, and visionaries alike credited the Muses for fanning the fires of creativity and whispering the inspired... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Gemini energies are growing, sparked by the new moon solar eclipse at the Zero Point in Gemini on May 20th. Expansive Jupiter will join the Sun in Gemini on June 11th, so think of the coming months as Gemini Flavored.... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Don't miss the unique opportunities of this emerging Spring of Venus, seasoned with the other unique celestial events of Now. For those of you who are answering the call (or feeling the stirrings) of the re-emerging Divine Feminine, this is... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2012 at Sophia's Children
I've been pearl-diving in the metaphorical marshlands, taking a deeper look at several mondo transformation, change, and 'crossroads' archetypes. Of course, I delight in sharing the pearls I find with you. Today's pearl... Each of us has our own unique... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2012 at Sophia's Children
I came across the stunningly beautiful La Vierge au Lys yesterday and was captivated by it. It stayed with me throughout the day, whispering. That's the activating power of imagery. The artist, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, was of a school attentive to... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Can you feel it? If you're energy sensitive, you're likely feeling the extra zap of the solar stream arriving today. Spaceweather reports that one of the active solar flares sent two Coronal Mass Ejections our way, and there's another big... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2012 at Sophia's Children
[Updated on May 9, 2012] The May 5-6 weekend is one of those prime times to be aware of the moon, and how the Lunar cycles and aspects affect your own lunar nature. Think flow, moods, psychic and intuitive nature,... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2012 at Sophia's Children
This is a quickie post to share the Monk's Manifesto from Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts. The seven-facet Monk's Manifesto will speak to in-the-world mystics, creatives, healers, empaths -- the sorts of people who bring great gifts... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Words are magic, for better and worse. Knowing that, there are a lot of ways we can elevate our communication, and really notice (and have!) a positive effect. We can elevate our internal communication -- our all-powerful 'self talk' --... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at Sophia's Children
This morning's 'to do' list got set aside for a leisurely walk along the river, soaking up the sun's warmth, surrounded by budding trees, blossoming flowers, and a few sweet, tiny little finches and a petite woodpecker. That is so... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2012 at Sophia's Children
One of our personal archetypes has just gone Mercurial. Have you felt it yet? If not, you will. Read on for tips, so you'll be in the know about working with this energy in your life. The Timeframe, Energies &... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Have you been feeling the amped-up, ZAPified energies this past week or so? It's not new -- we're officially in the 'Zap Zone is the new normal' kind of time. But some times are zappier than others. Though things have... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Hundreds of statues of the Phoenician Goddess Ta'Nit were discovered in 1973-74, during a marine-archaeology expedition of Phoenician shipwrecks. They date from the 7 to 5th centuries B.C.E. That is sooo cool! The Phoenicicans were great mariners and traders, visiting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2012 at Sophia's Children
“Industrious people build industry. Lazy people create civilization.” – Kaz Tanahashi Shocking, isn't it? The idea and practice of not doing is truly blasphemous in our 'do-aholic' culture. I mean, think 'not doing' and notice what reactions come up within... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at Sophia's Children
"Whom should I turn to, if not the One whose darkness is darker than night, the only one who keeps vigil with no candle, and is not afraid -- the Deep One, whose being I trust ..." Rainer Maria Rilke... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Some people believe that spirituality and science are incompatible. Not so much, as it turns out.* This is good news, because it validates ancient practices that many in the modern, left-brain-favoring world consider a luxury, or a leisure activity, or... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at Sophia's Children
That's what Leo Tolstoy wrote in his Confessions about the period in his life when his old priorities and accomplishments no longer held meaning for him, but a new sense of meaning and authenticity hadn't yet become clear. He was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2012 at Sophia's Children
This blog entry is an updated version of a post from my Engaged Spirituality & Mystic Activism blog in early February 2008, and I thought of it again this morning . The Hafiz quote & the wisdom it conveys? Timeless.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Greetings! As we all feel the increasing pull into a new era and a new way of being -- and feel the old paradigm slipping away, sometimes from beneath our feet. We're being ever drawn and invited to remember and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2012 at Sophia's Children
I've been feeling very dreamy these days, and even more empathic than ever, if that's even possible. And I haven't felt like doing a whole lot -- a sort of blasphemy in a culture shaped by the 'Puritan work ethic',... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Happy Imbolc! Today at 2:22 EST the Sun crossed 15 degrees of Aquarius, the way the Ancients measured the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. They celebrated this time as Imbolc. To our indigenous European ancestors, it marked... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2012 at Sophia's Children
Tending your energy and vibration is becoming more and more important; one of the highest priorities. You can't really talk about cultivating and managing your energy without talking, at some point, big, fat energy drains. Identify the drains, where your... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Sophia's Children
In these times of transformation, the Divine Feminine is re-emerging. She calls to us, and re-emerges in and through us, sometimes taking us on quite the adventures of transformation. Have you noticed? How can we invoke, call upon, and open... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2012 at Sophia's Children
 About a month ago, Cerridwen started popping up for me. That's how it often happens, and I've learned to pay attention, because this is one of the ways the Feminine is re-emerging from the depths into our awareness. Along... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2012 at Sophia's Children
When the fog (or someone else's energy cloud) rolls in and obscures my view, and my other tried-and-true energy practices aren't quite doing it, I'll pull out one of my tarot decks. Tarot and other oracles of the sort used... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at Sophia's Children