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I have many versions of the same story. Pets are ridiculous and such a joy! Cats in particular. They make no sense and they know it. It's like the ultimate definition of chaotic neutral.
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This is very sweet. Between this and the stories you have told in class it is so clear that you cherish your daughters. I really appreciate your honesty and vulnerability about parenting. It makes me look forward to having kids someday!
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I love this reflection. I have also been thinking about how storytelling is a tool to help us process our own life experiences and their meaning. I especially appreciate when you write "It has brought meaning to my sorrows." By forcing us to consider our bad experiences in the greater context of our lives, I think storytelling helps us find positive outcomes, or at least a deeper understanding.
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Debbie, this is hilarious. I love that this came full circle for you. I'm sure it gave you more empathy for your mom! My dad drives me insane will his tall tales, although his aren't only from childhood - some are from when I was there and I know it didn't happen that way! I guess we all have some storytelling in us :)
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You are charming and effervescent on stage! In class and at Arizona Storytellers I have been stunned by your ability to "flip the switch" and suddenly be "on," even when I know you do not want to do it! That is a gift worth leaning into. I hope you continue to develop your skill and use it!
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Kailawhite is now following The Typepad Team
May 2, 2018