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At home
Sharing my adventures in going on-line with my creations and trying to blog about it. Hopefully I´ll get a tutorial together, but I have a lot to do before that. I have started a shop at Etsy and I´m struggling to be able to photograph my items so I can list them up there. Didn´t know it was so hard taking a good picture!
Interests: bagmaking,sewing clothes,home decorating,you name it...
Recent Activity
Ok, so I´m really making bags and other related items, but now I´ve spotted a great looking bunny I´d like to sew. Strange really, because I don´t like bunnies, but this one is going straight to my bedroom when finished! I found the pattern here, for you other guys to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2011 at MadeByWillow
MadeByWillow is now following GretchenRubin
Jun 18, 2011
MadeByWillow has shared their blog MadeByWillow
Jun 16, 2011
My creative process...what is it?
This blogging thing doesn´t come easy to me. I spend far too much time browsing the web searching for inspiration. In this search some thoughts about my own creativity comes to life. What is my own design? How is it that things I´ve alredy made are copywrighted by someone else... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2011 at MadeByWillow
MadeByWillow has shared their blog MadeByWillow
May 25, 2011
MadeByWillow is now following Lisa
May 23, 2011
MadeByWillow is now following heatherbailey
Apr 5, 2011
MadeByWillow is now following Jeff Korhan
Apr 5, 2011
Presenting Elliot
EDITED 2011-06-18 Since I have no idea how to blog, I felt I had to do something about this post since the picture of Elliot didn´t show. So now I have tried to publish a couple. Lets see how that works. It´s interesting, really...not knowing what I´m doing, but still... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at MadeByWillow
Creating a blog
Well, here I am trying to get started blogging. I have no idea how to do this (technically) so there´s much for me to learn. In the future I´m supposed to be a super-blogger, writing about my work and my creative spirit. Hang in there; like my blog and come... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at MadeByWillow
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