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Kaleigh Collins
Recent Activity
Dear Paris, and community My name is Kaleigh...
Dear Paris, and community My name is Kaleigh Collins and I live in St. louis MO, I am 20 and a college student, My family is my aunt my uncle, and my two little cousins, 10 and 6 they are... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Congrats winners, but who ever won the comment contest?
The Winners of The Contest are - MAIKEEB, BRUNO,...
The Winners of The Contest are - MAIKEEB, BRUNO, MISSKAYLAHUNT, ILOVEMISSHILTON, IAIALOVESPARIS, JENNIFER, CRISTINA, ALEXLOVE, BELOUXY, PARISIADOREYOU, SCOTT H. and HANNALOVESPARIS. Thank you all for your submissions, they were all amazing! So hard to choose from. There will be another Contest co...
a really cute idea would be you as a little girl like the coppertone girl and tinkerbell could be the dog!
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All...
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All Designed, Please Post Them All Here Under This Post. Thanks so much! xoxo Paris :)
I think this is a cool idea and you could partner it with an organization, and draw up the design a lot better.
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All...
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All Designed, Please Post Them All Here Under This Post. Thanks so much! xoxo Paris :)
Well I think that this would be amazing if it was drawn more artistically, with kind of a very neo victorian feel with girlyness very embodied within it as well but heres my sketch.
HAHA, a cop eating a donut with the jelly filling spilling around, "Love is Messy", could be done with a plethura of other ideas, Cordog with mustard or ketchup, and other stuff too.
I think this is a cool idea and you could partner it with an organization, and draw up the design a lot better.
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All...
To Make Sure I see ALL The T-Shirts You All Designed, Please Post Them All Here Under This Post. Thanks so much! xoxo Paris :)
I think this is a cool idea and you could partner it with an organization, and draw up the design a lot better.
Also today is the last day of my T-Shirt Design...
Also today is the last day of my T-Shirt Design Competition and the winners will be announced by the end of the day. So get in all your designs as soon as you can. xoxo Paris :)
I actually did not draw this for this contest but I think that It would be an amazing shirt, maybe even partner it with an organization.
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in...
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in all your ideas asap. Put them all under this comments sections here.Can't wait to see them all! Love Paris xoxo
I actually did not draw this for this contest but I think that It would be an amazing shirt, maybe even partner it with an organization.
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in...
My T-Shirt Design Contest ends tomorrow, so get in all your ideas asap. Put them all under this comments sections here.Can't wait to see them all! Love Paris xoxo
Yeah I agree, some kind of self help / makeover show, but for REAL women!
not JUST all skinny young women who are already hot
Get real women from around the world who need to know that they are HOT!
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting...
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting ready to shoot my new show and I want to hear your opinions. What are some of your show ideas that you would like to see me in? Comment below and let me know. xoxo Paris :)
I actually did not draw this for this contest but I think that It would be an amazing shirt, maybe even partner it with an organization.
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can...
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can design the Best T-Shirts. Send me your ideas and we will see what happens ;) Can't wait to see what you all come up with Love you all! xoxo Paris
HAHA, a cop eating a donut with the jelly filling spilling around, "Love is Messy", could be done with a plethura of other ideas, Cordog with mustard or ketchup, and other stuff too.
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can...
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can design the Best T-Shirts. Send me your ideas and we will see what happens ;) Can't wait to see what you all come up with Love you all! xoxo Paris
Well I think that this would be amazing if it was drawn more artistically, with kind of a very neo victorian feel with girlyness very embodied within it as well but heres my sketch.
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can...
Also I'm doing a Design Contest, for whoever can design the Best T-Shirts. Send me your ideas and we will see what happens ;) Can't wait to see what you all come up with Love you all! xoxo Paris
There is a girl whose name means fame
but there's much more strategy to her game
Shes cool and confident and never coy
and the object of affection
for every girl and boy
she sassy, honest, and extremely smart
but no accessory she owns
has more gold than her heart
and if you don't know her name
I will tell you, no need to embarass
shes none other
than beautiful, kind, sweet
a short poem from me paris, i hope you like it,
take care and be safe
-Kaleigh Collins
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Kaleigh Collins is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 22, 2010
Kaleigh Collins is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2010
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