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Dear Garren
Long time no see, how are you?
This is Kaoru Serizawa, a student of your seminar of Keio SFC(2001-2002). I'm so glad to read your blog which reminds me of your exciting lectures at SFC...what a fond memories!
Now I go to the graduate school of Keio (SDM) since this April with working as a contract employee of MoFA, having a hard time:)
I was not a good student, but feel strongly with great gratitude that the experience through your seminar has brought me to where I am.
I wish you the best of luck with everything, and hope I can see you again sometime soon!
Yours sincerely
21st August: Tragedy far away, right in front of you
21st August The news of the past week has naturally enough been dominated by various illegal visitors to the Senkaku Islands, and the legal visits of politicians to another island and a shrine. So many visitors and so much news. Japan is considering the major step of referring the issue of Takes...
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Sep 4, 2012
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