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Karan Kumar
New Delhi, India
Summer blogger and future student at UCLA Anderson.
Interests: marketing, retail, advertising, music, guitar, entertainment
Recent Activity
Ah! good question! hopefully these videos should help out with this:
The "slips" are fielding positions behind the batsmen, not including the guy with the gloves (he's the Wicket Keeper):
This shot was "invented only a few years ago and has become very popular now:
Baseball vs. Cricket!
Only a few days ago, I bought a ticket to the Summer Dodger Game. I'm already excited about catching the action at Dodger Stadium in a little less than a month from now! However, I do face one small, teeny-tiny challenge: I've never seen or even heard anything related to baseball in my entire li...
Wow Connie! Hawaii looks great! And that traditional Hawaiian platter is amazing!!
Pre-MBA Musings: Hawaii Trip!
So before I officially indenture myself to Anderson for the next two years, I want to make sure that I get some much-needed trips out of the way. Being a native Californian and never having been to Hawaii, I felt a bit of shame and mentally told myself that I should--no, that I must--go. After...
Karan Kumar is now following UCLA Anderson MBA Admissions
Jun 24, 2011
Karan Kumar is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 24, 2011
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