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Kare N
Recent Activity
I think the longest I've been with an office job is 7.5 years. My home office job has gone on for 11 years. I was suffering from career burnout, too, and now I am doing something rather fresh while incorporating my existing skills/talents/experience. It's a good fit. Not always possible to do what you love, but, when it IS possible, I highly recommend it!! It does sound like you need to do something fresh that stimulates your mind and your spirit. I hope you find it!!!
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2009 on Dead End Job at The Blog
Love this song. In fact, I was playing it last night on my "... all this time" CD by Sting. I find it poignant and yet soothing.
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2009 on Tolerance at The Blog
Kare N is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 14, 2009