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Kare Anderson
Interests: world travel, hiking, human rights, sculling, cardomon, pikaki, sensory experiences, collaborative behavior, lighting design & storyboarding, dinner parties with divers people, god kids
Recent Activity
Assan, to move from the specific research re affirmations to the general conclusion that all books that are put in the "self-help" genre are a "rip off" is too big a leap for me
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Kare Anderson added a favorite at Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom
Jun 19, 2012
Agile Developer I heartily agree with you, and have often preferred many of the behaviors your describe, attributing to me (as do many of my women friends)..... so it makes for an often confusing and sometimes frustrating interaction... yet well worth the effort when we can bring out the best side in others and ourselves and spiral up into camaraderie and mutual support rather down into criticism and worse
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Well there's a lot of passion in you Zeena Warrior
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Wonderful suggestion Kris... no wonder you are so sought-afterfor creating training programs and for bringing communities together around common interests
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That makes so much sense Lawrence, thank you for adding that angle
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Here are some of the sayings I turn to again and again. Care to share some of yours? In the sequence below they move from the priceless power of communication to the ineffable effect of connecting – or not. “Language... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2011 at Say it Better
i cant get Typepad to recognize me to delete this Instead when I try to use either my facebook or twitter i get this message then I cannot get back to the link in this email to try a different way to access my account Not FoundWe’re sorry, the page you were trying to load cannot be found. If you believe you’ve reached this page in error please check the address and try again.
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• It is harder to argue when you are holding hands. • Know that showing appreciation and attention, especially when you least want to show them and the other person most needs them, will always bring you closer than asking... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Say it Better
Dr. Pierre Mornell had a hunch that he’d hit a raw nerve when he gave a lecture on why he thought men and women were foundering in their relationships with each other. His hunch was confirmed the next day when... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2011 at Say it Better
That saying “familiarity breeds contempt” may be true. We tend to take loved ones for granted, no matter how well-intended. Yet it is equally true that familiarity breeds acceptance. Thus it is easier to stick a new idea in someone’s... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2011 at Say it Better
… and enable them to gain bragging rights about their experience with you and your place or event. Was it the butterscotch-colored walls, light coconut scent wafting through the door as I opened it or the cushy island of deep... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at Say it Better
Hi I get this message when I click Unpublish - what can i do abou it ? We’re sorry, the page you were trying to load cannot be found. If you believe you’ve reached this page in error please check the address and try again.
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Lovable fools are often picked first over competent jerks. If that pricks your interest here are five ways to warm up others. 1. Sandwich uncomfortable or otherwise or bad news between two pieces of good news. This “sandwiching” method enables... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Say it Better
Thank you Mike for your clearly, strongly-stated views. I do agree with your last sentence.
1 reply
Even non-Scandinavians feel their mood dampen with the longer nights as we head into winter. Luckily there are some easy ways to lift your spirits. Here are three: 1. When describing something that just happened or in your past, notice... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2010 at Say it Better
Glenn, Thank you for your interest. Those questions on biznik were specifically for us small business owners there, and related to the power of profitable partnering, as you know - something I cover on my blog How We Partner . On this blog I cover "communicate to connect"-related topics.
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2010 on When Caught Off-guard at Say it Better
1 reply
Wincing I glanced down. It hadn’t taken much to make that small blister appear in the hollow of my palm, that most tender of places on one’s hand. It’s my writing hand where a thin flap of skin now folded... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at Say it Better
You’ll feel much better after watching Phil Davison’s emotional appeal for support. His talk demonstrates that recommending the use of emotion is not sufficiently specific advice for a speaker. Also, having apparently apt credentials like a Masters in Communication, does... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at Say it Better
Like other public figures before him, Roger Clemens could not cover up his lying - if you knew how to recognize the clues. Based on the trailblazing research on facial expressions conducted years ago by Paul Ekman, Dacher Keltner described... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at Say it Better
“Enthusiasm is not the same as just being excited. One gets excited about going on a roller coaster. One becomes enthusiastic about creating and building a roller coaster.“ ~ Bo Bennett Getting enthusiasm is a little like learning to breathe.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2010 at Say it Better
“Out beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing there is a field – I’ll meet you there.” ~ Rumi “It hits a spot, doesn’t it? It suggests that not being right (or wrong) is a place we can choose to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2010 at Say it Better
Meth is a death sentence. “Ben hanged himself when he couldn’t stop using it.” Want to change others? Learn from Montana’s graphic techniques to stop the carnage. When the danger is extreme the nudge may have to be too. Even... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2010 at Say it Better
Ben I heartily agree with the opinions you cite (and wish they were more widely read) as do many Americans - some self-labelled as liberal - others who would not yet are worried for morale and/or economic reasons. They have been speaking up yet they/we have not swayed Obama. If the current, demoralizing and deadly events on the ground these days don't sway him and if polling re the mid-term elections proves true and there is a push-back that can, at least in part be attributed to his choices - and that does not sway him I do not know what will.
1 reply
Sometimes in conversation I wonder what are they really thinking. So, perhaps, have you. At such times I instinctively ask questions. Research shows that most of us do. That doesn’t help. In fact it prevents me from sensing what’s behind... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2010 at Say it Better