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Karen Stonehouse
Recent Activity
"The Hitler comparison is entirely justified. You are going through the same process, and for exactly the same reason." Ah. So you have no real rebuttal.
For someone who claims to be such an intellectual, you threw your argument early in the game by defaulting to the tedious, yet predictable, "Hitler" meme. And FYI, Hitler got his ideas about eugenics, propaganda, and division tactics from American Progressives like Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays... whose shopworn tactics have been recycled by Alinsky and now Obama and Co. Yawn.
Having a "president" that is viewed as weak and emasculated, who goes on a world apology tour condemning the US, who failes to elucidate a clear ME policy, let alone a strategy, who leaves "Advisor" teams behind in Iraq without the US combat support they need to be safe and effective, puts our troops more at risk than any online discussion about what Islam actually is. Get real. Regarding the alleged "jumping" -- I assume you have a link?
I don't accept Islam as a religion. It's a political ideology of oppression, misogyny and totalarianism on par with Maoism and Lenninism. In the 1960's in my mainline Protestant faith we were required to study other world religions before taking confirmation - and we did not study Islam. It was viewed as an alternative political system/empire and one at complete odds with the concepts of western democracy and justice....not a religion.
I don't accept Islam as a religion. It's a political ideology of oppression, misogyny and totalarianism on par with Maoism and Lenninism. In the 1960's in my mainline Protestant faith we were required to study other world religions before taking confirmation - and we did not study Islam. It was viewed as an alternative political system/empire and one at complete odds with the concepts of western democracy and justice....not a religion.
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Aug 23, 2010