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Karin Kramer
Recent Activity
hello there little Chamäleon :)
Hiding here in the floral archway until it is safe.
{Butchart's Garden held a surprise for the unsuspecting.} Dear you, Writing this to you with invisible ink. Clever that, no? The way my handwriting appears when you hold this postcard up to naked flame. And there was me thinking that this stuff of film and novel had no practical application...
Hi Gracia,
a happy birthday to you and enjoy your time.
Happy Birthday dearest Gracia!
It's that time of year again, a few days into spring. Time for me to commandeer your blog and wish you a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May a joyous 37th Birthday full of happy memories and games (and a hand-cloured forest) be yours. xo LJ xo
Like the new habitants of the Cote D´Azur.
Greetings from the blue Mediterranean coast of France.
{The Cannes Stomp.} {Looking for something someone may have lost.} {Propped in rest.} {Hiding a tormented heart in broad daylight.} {The sky shines and the eyelids grow heavy.} {Cannes High-Step.} Wikipedia tells me to expect luxury shops and picturesque beaches. They made...
that market looks very inspiring.
Fair delighted.
{Step this way, my friends, for the fair wonderful.} {Scout has a friend in Louise.} {We have commandeered the wall, fire extinguisher and all, with our gold foxes and zines unfurled.} {With eight new prints (and several previous), I am pretty sure, here, I am thinking of coffee.} ...
the first two pics make a beautiful couple.
Some favorite Portland places: The Ace, Broder,...
Some favorite Portland places: The Ace, Broder, Canoe and Makool Loves You. I leave for Portland in less than a week...I'm getting very excited! Hope you all have a lovely Monday. I'm off to prep for the big weekend... p.s. I'm collecting inspirational bits over at Pinterest if...
how imaginative and lovely.
le ukulélé de Julia !
Nous sommes très heureux de pouvoir vous présenter le nouveau ukulélé sérigraphié ! Il a été dessiné par une merveilleuse illlustratrice, Julia Wauters et est désormais disponible sur le shop Olivelse ! [ Mais attention, série limitée et numérotée. ] Il y a déjà un petit moment que nous trott...
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