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Karla Dornacher
Recent Activity
Hi Tracy... I have moved my blog and free printables over to my new website... There are some available on the printables page and more available in the Hidden Treasures Printable Library which you can access once you sign up for my newsletter. You'll see the option there. Thanks for asking and God bless... Karla
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2017 on Free Coloring Pages at Karla's Korner
I'm so glad you like these... I forgot all about them!! I will find this and add it to my website FREEBIES in the next few days so be on the look out! Blessings... Karla
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to let you know I am now blogging over on my website... and have added some fun tutorials and videos there so please... pop on over and take a look!!! xoxo Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2016 at Karla's Korner
Have I ever told you how I grew up being afraid of just about everything? Seriously. I know first hand... in so many ways... how fear can rob of us of the joy of living the life God created us to live! Fear of people. Fear of being hurt... physically and emotionally. Fear of heights. Fear of drowning. Fear of the unknown. And the list goes on. And then I met the Lord Jesus and He wouldn't let me stay hidden and defeated in my fear... and He still doesn't. Being brave... and overcoming our fears isn't a one time deal... but it is a one size fits all because it's all about trusting and believing that the One True God... in all His glory... is truly with us wherever we go... and big enough to handle whatever comes our way! Not saying it's easy... but with God's Promises and the encouragement of the Holy Spirit... oh so doable! And that's why I loved Bible journaling Joshua 1:9... it's one of my favorite go-to verses... and want to share my process of it with you! I gotta say... I love the versatility of the new Word Art and Washi Digital... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2016 at Karla's Korner
Thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging comments on the tutorial about how to make these little cuties... and as promised... these three are going to a new home! So drumroll please... and the winner is... Cathy Nason! Yay Cathy... and congratulations! I know you're going to love tucking these adorable little Word Art Paperclips in your own Bible or journal! So... please email me with your mailing address... to [email protected] and I'll get them off to you right away! Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2016 at Karla's Korner
I first saw a tutorial on how to make these adorable little paper clips... perfect for Bible Journaling or Planners... over on Illustrated Faith. It was love at first sight... and I knew that one day I would have to make my own! Well... that day came right after I designed this sweet Word Art and Washi Collection and realized... the small 1" squares are the PERFECT size for these little sweeties! I not only LOVE how they look sticking out of the top of my Bible... but more importantly I love how you can clip them to particular pages with related verses! Makes it quick and easy to turn to the perfect verses when you need an encouraging word! I had so much fun making mine... I wanted to share with you how you can make them for yourself... or make them to give as gifts... they're really quite easy! The supplies you'll need: The smallest squares cut from my new Word Art Collection here. A 1" circle punch... you can find one here if you don't have one. 1" Epoxy adhesive backed dots... if you can't find them local try here. Paperclips... I already owned mine...from Office Max... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2016 at Karla's Korner
Hi Brandi... you are very welcome my friend! And thank you for letting me know you appreciated me listing the colors!! :-)
You are welcome Catherine... love knowing your mother will be coloring it! Tell her the artist said hello!! :-)
You are very welcome Susan... Happy 4th back to you!
Having company over for your Fourth of July celebration? Needing a little hands-on project for the kiddos... or maybe even for the grown-up girls? Here's a little Stars and Stripes Coloring Page that will hopefully be a added blessing to your family and friends get together! Download your FREE Coloring Page here. This was a fun design to color but I must admit... I had to think it through because of using such a limited color selection. The colors I chose were both Prismacolor Premiers and a few Faber-Castel Polychromos ... I love the quality and richness of their colors! Red... PC923 Scarlet Lake Browns... PC944 Terra Cotta (for shading the red and in her hair) and PC945 Sienna Brown Yellows... FC9201-108 Dark Cadmium and PC1034 Goldenrod Flesh... PC997 Beige Blues... FC9201-149 Bluish Turquoise and FC9201-246 Prussian Blue But seriously... the color palette is simple so play with whatever you have handy... including crayons... or print it on watercolor paper and play with paints! Just have fun!! I would love to see photos of your Stars and Stripes coloring... either your finished piece or a photo of the kids or girls around the table coloring... so please take a pic... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2016 at Karla's Korner
Hi Geri... I do love how God says this twice... once in Jeremiah and again in Psalm 1... I guess He wanted to make sure we heard it! :-) Bless you my friend... Karla
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2016 on Are You Seeing the Whole Picture? at Karla's Korner
Hi Debi... Are you asking to print out the blog post for your women? If so... absolutely... love being able to share it in this way! Bless you and your women! Karla
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2016 on Are You Seeing the Whole Picture? at Karla's Korner
I have always loved how God’s Word is so visual and leads the reader to not only hear it... but to see it as well. Some verses, of course, are more visual than others and Psalm 1 is a perfect example. We can all visualize a tree and we all know what leaves and fruit look like so we have a good place to start… but sometimes, as we take the time to meditate on a verse, God coaxes us to think outside the box… to “see" a little more than we did at first. I believe God often wants us to show us more than we're seeing and tell us more than we're hearing... if we will only take the time to hear His voice and see what He wants show us. I love every time I have the opportunity to share with others about why my Psalm 1 illustration has been dubbed the “fruit cocktail” tree. In this Psalm God says we will bear fruit… and what came to mind as I pondered verse 3 was that we, as believers in Christ, bear the fruit of Spirit which we know is multi-faceted… love, peace, joy, and so much... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2016 at Karla's Korner
I must admit Betty that FB is much easier but I believe I've felt the Lord nudging me back to blogging so if it's really Him I'm believing I'll find time to do it more often!! :-) Thank you for your love and encouragement! Karla
Oh Carolyn... I love the idea of putting the magnetic strip on the backs of the bookmarks... very clever! It will perfect for Easter! Thank you for your love my friend... xoxo!
Oh Beth... your kind words truly brought a smile to my heart... thank you! And I hope I will be able to blog more often this year... it is nice to know I was missed!
Thank you Judy for your sweet words of encouragement... it's good to be back. I'm hoping I'll have more time to blog more often this year... only time will tell but hopefully. I am blessed more than you know to hear that my art inspires you to be in God's Word and do your own Bible journaling!! Love and hugs to you... Karla
Thank you Patty... it's just one of the wonderful creative ways to spend time in the Word. Glad you enjoyed the inspiration! Blessings... Karla
Hello Sue!! So good to hear from you my sweet friend! And so happy to hear about God's blessings in your life! I can hear your heart smiling in your words!! I did not get a separate message if you sent one... did you email or message another way? We were planning on being in Phoenix in April but Michael is having some serious back problems so it may not happen now but if we are able to come I'll figure out a way to let you know! Love and hugs to you my friend!!
Like I told Marilyn... it truly is my blessing to be able to share my gifts with you and to come alongside you in your own Bible Journaling journey! Lord bless you as you spend time with Him in His Word! xoxo Karla
Oh Marilyn... it is my blessing to share and encourage and inspire you in your Bible Journaling journey! It's like we're sitting at the table doing it together this way! Sending hugs... Karla
I felt the same way Moz... about having it in a permanent place where I would know where it was and could share it more easilly. Thanks for being here and Lord bless you in your Bible Journaling time with Him! Love and hugs... Karla
I know it's been a long time but I'm truly going to try to blog more often now. Thank you for your encouragement... and I think coloring and putting them in your Bible is wonderful!! It's being in His Word that counts! Bless you Susan!
Thank you Barbara for your sweet words of blessing and encouragement! It makes my heart smile to know you are enjoying the coloring book and using the Bible Journal Bookmarks for tracing into your own Bible. Sending love and God-hugs back to you my friend! Karla
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2016 on The Fragrance of Christ... at Karla's Korner
This was a fun Garden Blessings Coloring Book page to color. It made me think of spring, cheerful colors, chirping birds, and my favorite early blooming flowers... especially those that tickle my nose with their fragrant delight... lilacs being my favorite! We are all attracted to things that smell good, aren't we? But I have discovered that certain things that smell really sweet to me can be almost repulsive to others... such as my favorite Stargazer Lilies! In fact, some of my friends, not only don't like the smell, but even the fragrance of their potent blooms as it fills the air can make them physically sick. So sad. But the same is true with the sweet fragrance of Christ. When we give our lives to Christ and allow Him to live in us and through us... we will... or at least should... smell like Jesus in the world. The more sold-out we are... the sweeter the smell. First to God. Then to those around us. Wherever we live... wherever we go... the fragrance of Christ fills the atmosphere. Sweet like lilacs to those who are being saved and... maybe more like Stargazer Lilies among those who are perishing... especially... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2016 at Karla's Korner