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Recent Activity
hahaha I saw this one a while ago. It is darn funny!
This Week I Am Loving........
Ah! This came today and it is totally my favorite thing of the week: Image from Ha! Here it is on my house: Best no solicting sign ever.
That is fantastic!! Your work is amazing!
I would love to attend the TNNA expo even as a volunteer but I heard is pretty hard to get passes if you are not in the business.
Have fun Barbara!
bbd Teaching at the TNNA Show Phoenix 2012
I just found out yesterday that I've been selected to teach at the TNNA Show Phoenix 2012. My classes are scheduled for Sat. & Sun. 8-10 am. I'm so excited!! This is my class: "Painted Stitches Summer Squares - The Bridge from Basketweave to Beyond. Summer Squares incorporates 20 decorative n...
Hi Anita, I just emailed Monica inquiring if this workshop is over of it will be an ongoing class. I would love to Learn to make a Moshi girl! She is adorable!
Moshi Moshi Mixed Media Doll Promo Video!
The past month has been a flurry of activity! I completed my portions of the new mixed media doll class I'm co-teaching with Monican Zuniga of Hands and Heart, and now I'm working on a little bonus lesson. Monica will be posting Lesson 3 at the end of the week, which will cover painting the fa...
Karla is now following Anita Van Hal
Aug 19, 2011
Ohhh! Love the shed, love the bike, love them all!
Snapshots of my day.
Thought you might like to see some pictures of how my day went yesterday. I should have been sewing ( like I should be doing now) but instead I decided the corner of the garden needed some attention. First though on the way to the Nursery we stopped for lunch, this was the view this way th...
Karla added a favorite at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
May 13, 2011
Karla is now following Patti Culea
Dec 12, 2010
Karla is now following Jen - The Alien Spouse
Dec 12, 2010
Karla added a favorite at Alien Spouse
Dec 12, 2010
I might be out of topic but... I soo love your table cloth! Me like it :) Did you make it??
Riding in the Year
Hope everyone had a fun New Year's Eve and that the new decade brings prosperity and health to all of you and to our nation as a whole. The rest of the world, too--we can always hope. We've had a whirlwind school break here--the birthday boy above wanted a sledding party, and we got a perfec...
Karla is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 2, 2010
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