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tany sol
Recent Activity
tany sol is now following Vibeke Spigseth
Mar 11, 2011
I'm your follower and really want to be the lucky winner.
Thanks and welcome to my blog
Blogoversary RAK
About time don't you's only been 2 months since my Blogoversary!!!! Lots of things have happened since then. Including a trip to Vermont, a major move, my scrap stuff in total disarray after the move, a family emergency and then there is work!! it is, my 1st Blogoversary ...
Happy bloganiversary Lynne!
Linked This beauty on my sidebar.
Welcome to my blog
Blogoversary RAK
About time don't you's only been 2 months since my Blogoversary!!!! Lots of things have happened since then. Including a trip to Vermont, a major move, my scrap stuff in total disarray after the move, a family emergency and then there is work!! it is, my 1st Blogoversary ...
Hi Lynne!
Awesome candy! I would like to be the lucky winner :) Thanks for the chance to win this beauty!
Blogoversary RAK
About time don't you's only been 2 months since my Blogoversary!!!! Lots of things have happened since then. Including a trip to Vermont, a major move, my scrap stuff in total disarray after the move, a family emergency and then there is work!! it is, my 1st Blogoversary ...
tany sol is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2010
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