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Kasey K
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With the category of "a book about a season" as I write this in July, it's hard not to immediately think of classic summer reads. But, I'm not really a traditional summer reads kind of a person, so you'll not get much of that here, I'm afraid. There's so many... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2022 at The Buzz...About Books
In my previous post on books by trans and non-binary authors, I mentioned that some of this year's categories are so broad I have trouble choosing books for them! This... is one of those categories. There are non-fiction books about artists and art history, but there are also so many... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2022 at The Buzz...About Books
In our first virtual Reading Challenge event of 2022, we asked the audience what category they thought would be the most challenging to complete. "A book by a trans or non-binary author" is one of the ones that came up. It is a bit more of a niche category than... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2022 at The Buzz...About Books
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Mar 11, 2022