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I should have said if you read the book, you'll find out what Thea found in the basement...
How to Buy A --What? Adventures in Research
HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: We all know research can be fun. It can also be—all consuming, obsessive, and a bottomless rabbit hole of fascination. This time, a story about research made me laugh. There’s no one who does research as thoroughly as the best-selling award-winning fiction and non-fiction au...
Of course, there was a lot more research, and lots of discussion about which flashlights are favored, and of the appeal of various UIs (a term you now understand) and rechargeable vs. regular batteries, etc. But what probably amused me most was the agreement that the old, big, heavy mag lite was an excellent weapon.
Now, of course, you have to read Death Warmed Over to learn which flashlight Thea has, right?
How to Buy A --What? Adventures in Research
HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: We all know research can be fun. It can also be—all consuming, obsessive, and a bottomless rabbit hole of fascination. This time, a story about research made me laugh. There’s no one who does research as thoroughly as the best-selling award-winning fiction and non-fiction au...
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Nov 7, 2017
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