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Kate Haley
Silicon Valley/Bay Area
Kate Haley- Chief Marketing Officer at Accurate Always, Inc.
Interests: Doing anything I can add "ing" to, like hiking, running, yogaing, streaking but not arson. Just kidding, of course I'm into arson. Parrots that argue with me and win, vintage telephony, all things Voxida, sneaking out of work to go hit the beach by Mavericks and testing how much i can say in this blog before someone wheels in a team of editors.
Recent Activity
In April, it was all over the news that the FCC fines AT&T $25 million for data breach affecting an impressive 280,000 customers. You might have read about it, but in case you missed it, AT&T call center contractors collected personal information of 280,000 subscribers from November 2013 to April 2014. The stolen customer data included names, personal information and... Continue reading
Accurate Always was recognized in Pipeline Publication’s Awards this year. I got to attend the event in Nice, France and I couldn't be more grateful to the esteemed panel of industry analysts, judges and Pipeline's core team. Read the full release on the recognition Voxida CenterSecure received here. Continue reading
This is the first we’ve said on this but we were nominated on Friday for the Pipeline Publications Innovations award for our advancement in enterprise communications security auditing. This was for a product announced the day before*. If you’ve even been in a startup, even a well-established one, you know what that means and how much work was still ahead... Continue reading
A personal holiday note from Kate Haley, Cofounder of Accurate Always and a grateful part of the Voxida Team. Let the calls and sleigh bells ring! Continue reading
Navigating the legal landscape of call recording notification law can be challenging but recording calls in a non-compliant fashion can have major financial repercussions for small, mid-sized and enterprise call centers. See the state by state and international call recording notification law standards from Accurate Always. Continue reading
Healthcare organizations need to know about call recording notification requirements. A cheat sheet is provided by Mollie Harstad of Accurate Always, Inc. Continue reading
Starting up never seemed to strangely hygienic and memorable. High-five your way to glory. Continue reading
Once again, a call center agent steps in it. And brings another CSR along for the ride. Continue reading
A dear family friend passed away a few days ago and it got me thinking about our real work as female leaders in our corporations and communities. The following short clip shows two record breakers: Avis and a 9 year old girl, who was her caving partner. (Wow, right?!) If anyone ever doubts where we stand, how we can move into and climb out of challenging spaces, and what an everyday legacy we create, call on Avis. I am humbled and grateful for such a role model. Continue reading
Being a working mom requires a more holistic view of success. I found that I actually had a paradoxical experience when I had my son. All of a sudden achievement was more important on all fronts and honoring the balance there actually made me better in my professional career as well. It was like a "take no prisoners" attitude rolled in and every task became one of increasing importance. Somehow knowing that every moment is a vital choice helped me do more, and ultimately become more successful on all fronts, as it required a critical eye and action with an increasing degree of certainty. Plus, you get to do a lot of rad stuff. Continue reading
Accurate Always, Inc today announced the release of its Core Capabilities Statement for governmental markets, which highlights past successes on diverse military, healthcare and aviation projects. The updated Capabilities Statement details additional key differentiators and core competencies from the company. Learn more about Accurate Always' communications recording systems for aviation, defense and other governmental markets now. Continue reading
Love Cisco? We do too. You can now see Accurate Always' Voxida Voice software which records Cisco IP voice and video in the Cisco marketplace. You may also want to check out Accurate Always' Cisco IP call recording systems on the corporate site. Continue reading
We never thought we'd write a post like this but Boeing has really wowed us. Their new Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP)has made history, providing a non-kinetic alternative to existing missile technology and providing to be a win for the whole EMS community. "This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare," said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. "In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive." Yes, that includes COM, and the tech that records... Continue reading
Accurate Always' commitment to recruiting the next generation of spectrum warriors and younger Crows after the AOC 2012 show. Continue reading
Sequestration is often a dirty word. While one can only speculate as to what the coming months will hold, it should be noted that Obama administration again has told defense firms that they shouldn't issue layoff notices because of sequestration and additionally has offered a deal. Read more. Continue reading
It's about time that someone 'fessed up to who really gets the job done around here. Learn about the Voxlets, their mission, love of cupcakes and more at Continue reading
Rich Steeves of TMC Media just released a press piece on Accurate Always and what sets us apart. "There are several ways to measure the success of a company. One might consider profits or growth or volume of sales. But sometimes analysts can get lost in matters of dollars and cents, forgetting that business transactions are really about people, and... Continue reading
Accurate Always provides the low-down on recording enterprise VoIP calls in contact centers and governmental organizations. Continue reading
A short piece about Accurate Always' authorized partner program for those who resell and support the Voxida call recording solutions for governmental organizations and contact centers. Continue reading
Replacing your digital or VoIP call recording system? Voxida certainly replaces a ton of these legacy boxes. Here's a few updated ideas of what to do with your's. Continue reading
We believe education is a darned good thing. Most of our customers already frequent Voxida U, the online manager, supervisor and call center agent training resource for all varieties of customer contact centers that quality monitor and record calls with Voxida. We also offer some resources on the main Accurate Always site for the public. You can check out the... Continue reading
Where would the world be without MANDOM? Charles Bronson really rocked this ad. If you are looking for excellence in advertising, look no further. If you are looking for cologne that smells like gasoline, well, you're all set there too. Continue reading
Steve Jobs phreaked out. This post shares a bit lesser-known Steve Jobs history and is a heart-felt tribute to his being "insanely great." Continue reading
Know why office cleaning isn't to be left to civilians? We do. Continue reading