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Kate Kelsall
I'm a former shaky accordionist with Parkinson's who has been happily married for 40 years.
Recent Activity
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your kind words and the link to the nutrition survey. It's an opportunity for those with PD to get their voices heard.
Kate Kelsall
Achieving the Balance between Medications and Food
It’s challenging being a woman with Parkinson’s for nearly two decades. On Monday, I am focused on food and medications. It entails delaying my intake of food, shopping for food, preparing meals, eating meals, washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, calling the pharmacy, ordering and ...
Hi PD Warrior,
You are a real Super Trooper, fighting PD. And yes, sometimes the fight does require two masks.
Tired of Being a Trooper
One of my doctors recently said to me “You’re such a trooper.” He was well-intentioned and said it as a compliment, and I accepted it as such. The doctor was referring to me as being a Health Trooper, not a state, military or police trooper. He was referring to my determination in managing my...
Hi Thonas,
You have my permission to reprint an adapted version of my article, "12 Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Has Parkinson's Disease" and translated into French as long as you credit the original article to me as the author.
Warm regards,
Kate Kelsall
12 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Has Parkinson’s Disease
After reading Rachelle Friedman’s article entitled “10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Uses a Wheelchair,” I was motivated to write a Parkinson’s Disease (PD) version of “what not to say” and hopefully clear up some of the misconceptions. 1.You don’t look like you have PD. PD progresses ...
Kate Kelsall is now following Kinnicchick
Aug 15, 2011
Dear Kate and Tom,
I’m so sorry for your loss. You gave Oreo a good, long and happy life and had the courage and love to let her go when her body couldn’t carry her anymore. My thoughts are with you.
Oreo's Veterinarian
The House is Empty Now
In loving memory of Oreo Kelsall who passed way on January 24, 2011. She will remain forever in our hearts and thoughts. "...what we have enjoyed, we can never lose...all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." by Helen Keller The House is Empty Now by Tom Kelsall I miss her big smile, b...
Hi Kim,
WOW -- Messages such as yours keep me writing. Thank YOU so much.
As you are aware, it is of utmost importance that the electrodes be placed in the correct location in the brain. Of equal importance, is that there be a competent, experienced programmer so that the patient can obtain maximum benefit of the DBS system. There seems to be a shortage of programmers with these attributes.
Just an observation...patients who have ET have a much easier time getting programmed at the University of Colorado than the PD patients. I think it's because with ET, there is just one symptom to deal with.
I hate to see you suffer. If you would like to continue this conversation by email, I would be happy to do so. We can discuss options available. After going through all of this, you deserve to function at the highest level possible.
Please stay in touch.
Warm regards,
Kate Kelsall
Uneventful Brain Surgery
Someone commented that I only write about my life before and after my Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery for Parkinson’s Disease (PD), not about the actual day of surgery. It’s just that my life with PD is much more interesting to me before and after that day. But for those of you who are curio...
Kate Kelsall is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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