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the best coast.
i am my own streets.
Interests: industrial wastelands. robots. little brothers. dogs. skateboarding. road trips. photography. bicycles. boats. projects. surfers. power tools. other people's cooking. a comfortable chair to read in. older sisters. cute boys.
Recent Activity
via Falling Rock National Park Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2014 at crowbot
Reblogged Feb 9, 2014 at crowbot
While it's true that I've been quiet on this blog for a good long time, my robot obsession has never faltered... never waned. Despite my temporary absence from the blog--o-sphere, I now have something to share that I hope is worth your attention. I created my first photo book featuring one of my (and presumably your) favorite subjects of all time. So, without further ado I'd like to invite you to enjoy my newest creation, simply titled: robots (click the image below to preview the book with links to purchase if desired) Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2012 at crowbot
katerizero added a favorite at Internet Tubes
Oct 10, 2012
Ever wonder what happens when the sun goes down on Sesame Street? After taking a look at these works by Isaac Bidwell, you won’t want anyone to tell you how to get there come nightfall. Elmo, Ernie, Big Bird, Snuffy and the other typically friendly muppets have gone mad in his series, where characters from the beloved children’s show are turned into not-so-beloved horror movie villains. We’d expect this from Oscar, but even you, Prairie Dawn (of the dead)?! via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2012 at Backyard
Nothing to see here folks, just another nightmare-inducing species of bug! This is the scorpionfly. You can just go ahead and file it under “Insects I do NOT want to f*** with” and “Oh heeeeell naw!” Despite its appearance, that scary tail part isn’t actually a stinger. It’s a wiener. You know, like a ding-dong or whatever. I… still haven’t decided on whether or not that makes it better or worse. Sure, on one hand, a stinger could be dangerous. But on the other hand? Well, on the other hand, right now I’m feeling pretty violated. I’ve been staring at... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2012 at Backyard
I haven't blogged in a long time. I was waiting for Bessie to inspire me... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2012 at Backyard
Slovenia's ambassador, Helena Drnovšek Zorko, apologizes to her children and her nation for signing ACTA (click through to read her entire statement.) ....I signed ACTA out of civic carelessness, because I did not pay enough attention. Quite simply, I did not clearly connect the agreement I had been instructed to sign with the agreement that, according to my own civic conviction, limits and withholds the freedom of engagement on the largest and most significant network in human history, and thus limits particularly the future of our children. via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 3, 2012 at Backyard
I just got on the waiting list for 2013... yes! bay area represent! another great video that I wasn't able to embed: cnn ireport. i know... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 27, 2012 at Backyard
....Some in the kingdom thought the cause of the darkness must be the Router. Little was known of the Router, legend told it had been installed behind the recliner long ago by a shadowy organization known as Comcast. Others in the kingdom believed it was brought by a distant cousin many feasts ago. Concluding the trouble must lie deep within the microchips, the people of 276 Fernadale Street did despair and resign themselves to defeat. via that clever bastard! Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 24, 2012 at Backyard
Reblogged Dec 20, 2011 at Backyard
via Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 20, 2011 at Backyard
After a devastating breakup, Eric Smith does the only sensible thing: he buys a full set of armor inspired by Halo.... “Her engagement ring? Long gone, guys. No, no it isn’t sitting in my sock drawer, where I look at it almost every day, plucking it out now and again, slowly re-cleansing my dress socks with my tears.” via via reddit Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 16, 2011 at Backyard
Reblogged Nov 15, 2011 at Backyard
via can't... stop... giggling... (thanks for the link, Cousin Josh) Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 10, 2011 at Backyard
Reblogged Nov 3, 2011 at Backyard
Lorem ipsum has long been the standard random text generator for publishers, who use it to get a feel for the look of lay-out, graphics, font, etc. before any actual words are written. Recently many other variations have emerged, including Hipster, Vegan, Samuel L. Jackson… and now there’s the Cupcake Ipsum. Just enter the length of text you need and boom! Enough sweet words to rot all your damn teeth out. I gave it a go and this is the result: Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet soufflé chocolate chupa chups pie. Chocolate cake cotton candy pastry jujubes lemon drops jelly... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 1, 2011 at Backyard
via The term “Hobo Nickel” describes any small-denomination coin (though, normally soft nickels) that people carve to create miniature reliefs of…well, all sorts of things. It started sometime in the 18th century but continues to this day; There’s even an entire society dedicated to the art of nickel carving. via Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 20, 2011 at Backyard
katerizero added a favorite at Hello Motion
Oct 18, 2011
via beautifully done. thanks for the link, Todd. Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 17, 2011 at crowbot
Turn the concrete jungle into a wilderness with our compacted wild flower seed grenades. Buttercups and Poppies will take at least 3 weeks to start growing Ryegrass will be the first thing to grow after about one week. via Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 14, 2011 at Backyard